Thanks, that's what I was looking for, crazy that I've never heard of it or of the author.
Thanks for the recommendations. I actually started searching for a critique after seeing how many of those philosophers call themselves Marxists or post, all the while covering with the most idealistic BS the advances that Marx brought to Philosophy and Sociology.
Does anyone know a Marxist Critique of Idealistic Philosophies in the 20th century?
There are multiple classic books of Marxist Critique on Idealism in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, but I have never seen one about the later philosophies such as Existentialism, Structuralism, Post-structuralism, etc..
Is there an author that has already given the Marxist point of view regarding those philosophies?
Extremely good answer comrade 🫡
I've have already given this advice IRL before, and considering no one has commented anything similar, I think it applies here as well:
If you're looking for a introduction to communism and Marxism, you should read the manifesto, it's cut and dry, short and direct to the point it's trying to pass, it's literally made to be understandable by everyone.
But if you want more than that and are looking to actually understand and study Marxism, which I believe is the point of a book club, then you should definitely start reading about the Marxist world outlook, dialetical materialism, most of the mistakes and misunderstandings of leftist both here and IRL come from skipping this crucial step.
So if you are having trouble with the main texts, if you can understand diamat every book of Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc., you read afterward will much easier to comprehend. On that note, to me, the best 3 texts about their philosophy are: Mao's "On Contradiction"; Engels' "Socialism Utopian and Scientific"; and M. Cornforth's "Materialism and the Dialetical Method", which I'd recommend then to be read in this order, and if after that you still want more, Cornforth's last book ends with further recommendations.
So basically, if you are having trouble understanding Marxism you should start from the very beginning and understand their method before jumping straight to the more famous and much more dense books.
I also am pretty limited regarding theory, but I do remember seeing an online video of a teacher saying how, at the end of his life, Marx was studying primitive forms of society and their complexity.
So I do have to question you in what do you mean by complex societies, because from what I understand ours is a extremely simple one, you are either a worker or a capitalist, there are in betweens but there isn't any other class you can be part of in capitalism.
Man, that's so sad...
I've been listening to 2000s electronic lately, mostly Boards of Canada's "Geogaddi" and "Campfire Headphase" and sometimes The Unicorns' "Who Will Cut Our Hair"
Edit: I don't know how I forgot this, but "The Fire This Time" is an audio documentary about the us intervention in the Middle East that fans of IDM should definitely listen to.
I don't think it's correct to call them a fascist band.
They disbanded in 98 and the allegations against Stza are from the 2010s, the fact that a single member became a POS over a decade later doesn't determine what the band is a whole.
Idk, I fell that saying that is like saying that "I Want To Hold Your Hand" is leftist only because John Lennon became one years latter.
Hell yeah, those ska-punk albums are great. I always find it funny that the first time I ever heard parenti was in a choking victim album.