Thanks Ocean! I’m trying to get help :)
Ohh. I still think politics are boring though LOL. I’d rather just scroll through TikTok. People keep talking about “climate change” but I don’t care about that either.
I understand now, though.
What’s weird?
Thank you
How so?
I’m probably no longer center-left. If you could decide from my thinking, what political affiliation should I research to see if it fits me?
I used to consider myself center-left, but I don’t know. I frankly don’t care about much, the state of the economy, the state of the U.S. despite being American, or what Trump does in office. It’s simply not my problem and I think it’s boring.
I don’t have high empathy to begin with, and I believe that since it doesn’t directly affect me, I don’t care one way or another. For now, I consider myself to be bisexual (or maybe straight but bicurious?). I believe it’s normal (not right, normal) for some bisexual people to be homophobic, especially when their preference leans toward the opposite gender, since bisexuality is still vastly different from homosexuality.
While I respect everyone regardless as they’re all people, I simply don’t care about certain rights one way or another. I believe LGBT, for example, are people who deserve equal treatment, but I don’t particularly care as I never faced homophobia.
I won’t hang out with certain people. I view them as people with rights, they’re just not my cup of tea.
I don’t understand people with disabilities and won’t pretend to, but I also can’t help them much as someone who hasn’t gone through it, doesn’t know many people like that, nor cares enough to research. I don’t hang out with lesbians because I only hang out with people I relate to, and I can’t hang out with a woman who only likes women.
I like getting attention from men, as they’re masculine. I find I can relate to men/women who like men, and help men who like women with dating women/maybe see them as romantic candidates.
While I do believe everyone deserves equal rights, I don’t have much empathy. I don’t know how to help nor do I care much, frankly, and I am certainly no activist.
I said I was attracted to a 16 yo boy.
It feels bland and basic, and I basically live to not be a basic girl. I want to be spicy and strong, not just like a girl who starts drama and complains like your average basic girl.
People have already called me basic IRL because I like Starbucks, I’m straight, and obsessed with TikTok.
Looking for a girl to date, is this age gap alright?
A year ago, I liked a 16-year-old boy. I didn’t date him nor say I liked him for obvious reasons (I was freshly 19.)
I’ve been looking for girls to experiment with to explore my bisexuality and get over my attraction to men, and there’s this one friend I have online. Not going to lie, she’s hot. But… she’s 17 and a junior in high school. I’ll be 20 in April.
Do I risk ruining the friendship and possibly have something more if she says yes (and finally see if I like women) or get over it?
Our years of birth would be 2005 for me and 2007-08 for her.
I’ve heard 17 and 19 is alright though, and that’s the age I am now! Besides, it may not be anything serious.
I am but I thought that’s how people said it 😂
I want to be a woman now, I just didn’t and don’t like the straight label. I only like men but I don’t want to be hetero.
I don’t feel like a guy now, I just didn’t and don’t like being seen as straight even if I only like guys.
Agreed. I always forget to give someone something meaningful unless they specifically ask too. Like a robot who can’t do things outside of the code given.
I just want to.
People online and my friends (not on here)
Oh? Thanks for your input. Well, I’m a mere 19 year old.
Apparently so. People think the fact that I use proper grammar makes me around forty or fifty.
Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude?
This is a 2-in-1 question, I suppose. I type the way I do. I’ve always typed this way, but I’ve noticed when interacting with people (not on here) that people always think I’m far older than 19. They think I’m in my forties or fifties.
Also, I tend to type using full stops, which people may think are rude. When I’m typing a full sentence, though, I end it with a period. If I say, “He’s being an asshole,” (with a period), I mean that as a fact, not out of anger. It just happens to be ended with a period since it’s a sentence.
Why do people think it’s selfish when I don’t get them things/ask about them, and how can I get along with women more? I don’t understand social stuff at all.
Seriously. I’m asocial and depressed. Also, I like spending time with people and how they’re there for me when I need it, but I also have several mental illnesses and no empathy.
I’m not obligated to give you something back when you buy something for me. I want it, and you’re nice enough to get it for me. Why do I have to give you something back? I don’t know what you want. I can guess but I can’t really tune into other people that well.
And when people ask how I am, I just say “Fine”. Why do I have to ask how they are? They never told me to ask how they are, they asked how I was. Also, what’s so wrong with “Nothing/Nun” when they ask what I did? Genuinely, I didn’t do much, there’s nothing to talk about.
It also feels easier to talk to men because they don’t seem to compete with me or expect much from me, how can I fix that so I can talk to my own gender?
Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses?
I’m (19F by the way, not like 50) a bad texter. I can be not dry when I want to be, but usually I’m just not up for texting. I really don’t engage with my friends. (I’m asocial).
I don’t participate in their activities. I don’t really ask them how they are, or what their interests are. I don’t even engage in deep discussion with them unless I’m up for it.
When my friend sends a video that reminded her of me or that she finds funny, I don’t click it and just ignore it.
Maybe my friends are growing apart and they text me less because of this, but I’m kind of okay with that because I know they will be there for me when I need it and because I’m genuinely just tired/bored most of the time.
One time, my friend asked me if I’d like to spend time with her, and I just point-blank said “No”. IDK if that’s rude just because I’m being honest and also because it’s not personal, I don’t want to engage with anyone.
Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage?
I have anger issues, which I can’t control. I am considered conventionally attractive (though I don’t see it) and many people think I’m cool and want to be around me.
Like I said, though, I have anger issues where I will act quite aggressively towards people. One time, someone I knew said hi to me, so I screamed “I HEARD YOU”. I also tend to type very dryly and with periods when I’m upset (which is admittedly ~90% of the time but I can’t control that).
My friend doesn’t talk to me as much and I really don’t get why because even when I’m “aggressive”, it’s tough love and I’m trying to help them. If I didn’t love her, I wouldn’t be like that.
I’m even like this with guys I’ve dated and I love them not as brothers.
Women also piss me off more than men do, so I hang out more with them because I feel like they get me and aren’t as removed. (Part of the reason why I’m bi curious but never found a woman I’d date, excluding one I almost went out with).
While I do tend to praise men and ignore women, as some people say, it’s tough love since I think women should be the best versions of themselves :) [I believe this is why society is so hard on women as a whole]
But yeah, TLDR; My mood problems impact the people I care about, and I’m wondering if it’s a turn off since some people don’t want to be around me rather than loving me for me.
I have a reason for my actions, people just choose to ignore those reasons and misinterpret me.