Personally this is something I do with my parents because if I make them feel bad for being wrong I'm the bad guy
Micro retiring is a funny way of saying giving the fuck up because a career doesn't buy you shit.
Yeah actually now that you mention it I do that alot too; I'll start something but not be able to fully get into it the first time around only for it to click sometime later. Maybe I just need to wait for my brain to "click"
Anyone else struggling with not being able to stick to things long enough to fully enjoy them?
This is something that's been frustrating me to no end recently as I've had a ton of time over the holidays to do whatever I want. I have a dozen half beaten games and half watched tv shows that I really should just finish but idk why I just can't stick to one thing until it's done and then move on to the next like a normal person.
I honestly don't even care to watch things anymore anyway; This is probably closed minded of me to say but, I feel like I've already watched my favorite movie and my favorite tv show. If new stuff comes out that is good, that's great! but it's never going to be as meaningful to me as the things I watched as I grew up. Hollywood is old news, gaming is where it's at for me now.
Got a new phone and decided to use the opportunity to change up alot about how I do things, including using new social media platforms
Just survive, I'm moving late 2026 which will hopefully be a new beginning for me, until then I just gotta not die