If you think like that (and I think everyone should) then you will never be rich. Exploiting others is in their blood.
Or we can allow e.g. the 18 French regions or the 16 German states to send a team each?
Always interesting https://www.energy-charts.info/charts/price_spot_market/chart.htm?l=en&c=DE
I have always asked me when this would happen. So if I have a tracker on my bike the thief will now be notified of the situation.
Basically making a whole lot of potential use cases obsolete., or am I missing something?
I think the gain in privacy is definitely worth it. Just trying to understand if I am missing something
Hmmm, „up to at least“ basically means „exactly“, right?
Hallo Hivemind, heute ist ja Paris-Brest-Paris gestartet. Leider ist die Website down.
Hat jemand einen Link, wo man Dot-Watchen kann?
Hi, I have temporarily removed permission to camera - and it can no longer access it. There is no permission setting for photo lib.
My guess is, it only gets access to the pictures you select.
Am I missing something?
Ist das Wahnsinn oder was? Die #1 hat gerade 510 km in 17,5 Std absolviert. Mit einem Schnitt von fast 30 km/h. Unglaublich