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Bubs Bubs
Posts 65
Comments 54
Times are Tough, Let's Help each Other Out
  • Ten out of ten, can recommend. I hope one day soon you can find the friend for you 😊

  • Times are Tough, Let's Help each Other Out
  • All day, every day!

  • The Weirdness Comes Out When we're Together
  • People got in an argument about metal health stuff that was way off topic from the post. I decided to remove the whole thread since it quickly got out of hand.

    While not everything in this community will be sunshine and rainbows, I do like to keep things generally wholesome.

  • Meta Post - We surpassed 1000 MAU today! :)
  • I'm glad you enjoy our posts!

    One day, I'm confident you'll find the person for you.

    I've spent the last few decades barely even having friends. With one random encounter, I now have a group of friends I would risk my life for, and a person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

    Hang in there 😊

  • 2005-10-01
  • My take is that it starts out by using the "find the difference" to imply there is the possibility that one image is better or worse than the other. Both images are the same, with no punchline or hidden joke.

    Naturally, the reader looks at the bottom for the answer to the puzzle. The answer key then calls you out as the bad person for looking at the answer and cheating. The comic calls you evil, but meanwhile, the person in the comic is pouring acid on baby animals.

  • Meta Post - We surpassed 1000 MAU today! :)
  • Yay! You don't know how happy it makes me to hear that!

    I created this community, in part, for the person special to me. I'm glad other people are finding the same joy I am in the pics here. 😊

  • How are you doing with your communities?
  • We just surpassed 1k MAU, so I'm real happy 😊

  • Meta Post - We surpassed 1000 MAU today! :)

    While it's not the biggest achievement in the world, I'm quite happy that we made it to the 1K mark (even if it will likely drop again).

    This community really means a lot to me. It's my way of sharing the love I have with the people that matter to me and with you lovely people of Lemmy.

    I really appreciate all the comments and posts that have been submitted by you guys.

    Here's to many more months of great posts :)

    For those who may not know, MAU stands for Monthly Active Users. It essentially measures how many users interact with a community in the last 30 days.

    Let's do it Together
  • I totally agree. When I'm feeling down, all I want is for them to hold me.

  • me_irl
  • When you have the stability to support the people you care about:

  • I Want You Here with Me
  • Basic sewing knowledge is such a useful life skill. I was taught how to operate a sewing machine from a young age. Even have my own machine — an old antique Singer that needed a bit of restoration. Even simple hand sewing can be a life saver.

  • Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam
  • Lol. It's so greedy of them!

    Jokes aside. It's an interesting distinction to make. Even though the source code is freely available, it doesn't mean developers have free reign to do anything they want like they could with open source software. Apart from special circumstances, everything made with the source code will still be mods.

  • Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam
  • A few takeaways from the move:

    • Any modifications must be released as mods
    • Players downloading the mods must own the base game
    • The mods must be free and no aspect of the mod can be monetized.
    • The mods can now access TF2 steam inventory for cosmetics and weapons (but cannot modify the inventory)
  • They can't stop me :D
  • One of my favorite edits I've ever made:

  • I Want to be With you Everyday
  • My view is that behaviors become clingy when they are not mutually desired by the other person. For many people, part of a relationship is the strong desire to be with that person and support them in every way possible. Personally, I want to be as close as possible to the person I love. That doesn't mean I need to be with them 24/7 though. It's perfectly normal and healthy to need regular alone time.

    For some people, their relationship may be less physically close. That's perfectly fine too. Loving someone, (romantically or not), is about finding how you connect best.

  • Tell me How! :3
  • Let me Love and Support You
  • Instead of ignoring your comment and moving on, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

    This post, like all the others here, is about loving someone. Not the love you get from a crush or an infatuation, but a deep and real love where you care for and support someone with everyone you can.

    The image isn't about being weighed down by someone's problems. It's about supporting them in every way you can. You do it because you want to see them happy; you want to see them grow. You do it out of love.

    Real love is a commitment of sorts. You support the person with everything you have, and they support you back with everything they have. Together, you build each other up and strengthen your bond.

    I hope everyone that sees these posts can one day find the love that I have found. And if they have already found it, I hope these posts help build their love with the person that matters to them most.

  • Better Together
  • Don't forget, it's a cat. As far as it's concerned, there is only itself and two peons that fulfill it's every need.

  • [Challenge Solved] Weird assembly — I think this will be a hard one :)
  • I figured it would be a tough one.

    These are mail insertion machines I worked on for several months as a mechanic. It's a little blurry since that were moving, but here it is in action:

  • [Challenge Solved] Weird assembly — I think this will be a hard one :)
  • Spot on.


    It's for pushing mail into an envelope. Three or four of them work in unison to push a stack of papers/inserts into an envelope.

  • [Challenge Solved] Weird assembly — I think this will be a hard one :)

    Some light hints that may point you in the right direction:

    Hint 1

    The assembly is a part of a larger machine.

    Hint 2

    Several assemblies are meant to move side by side in unison.

    Hint 3

    The square-ish shaped piece is plastic that will wear down and be replaced.
