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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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To Fight ‘Shrinkflation’ France Will Force Retailers to Warn Shoppers: Merchants will be required to put signs in front of all products that have been reduced in size without a corresponding price cut
  • Price per kilogram is good if you want to compare product A vs product B (we already have that). Here the point of this law is to be able to compare product A with itself in another point in time, because there is nothing actually in place to be able to reliably do that other than keeping a list of all prices at all time. The two together will be a very good tool to inform the consumers about the shady practice of some producers...

  • [Discussion] Avez-vous des animaux de compagnie? Chien, chat, poisson rouge, canari?
  • 4 phasmes dans un terrarium et une ~30aine de moineaux pas farouches qui habitent dans les trous de la façade (bien nourris par les enfants!). Probablement quelques chauve-souris dans le grenier et un nombre d'araignées et insectes incalculable... Les geckos sur les murs aussi... Bref la campagne.