This article was the final nail in the coffin in my journey towards being agender:
Alternatively Midsommervisen, written in 1885, with the popular melody rewritten in 1980:
Is sung on Sankt Hans Aften every year while roasting a (sculpture of a) witch on a huge bonfire.
Skipper Klements morgensang: A song from 1970 (I actually thought it was way older) about a civil war in 1534
I think you meant "powers of two" not "square numbers" near the end there
Yes, the article explains what Control Net is for those of us who haven't heard of it before. And the article says that Control Net was (apparently) initially meant to be used for qr codes.
Can you recommend a place to start brushing up on that?
Both Railroad Ink. and Number 9 (might be called 0-9) are games which are solely component limited, meaning that if you buy 2 boxes you can play with twice the amount of players (12 and 8 respectively).
Mysterium is a co-op game for up to 7 players.
If you are into deduction and quick thinking Ricochet Robots might be for you.
If you want a chill game to have a chat while playing Concept (without the rules for points) is a fun "guess the word/phrase" game.
A third term is aesthetic attraction, which is "I like looking at that person" but not necessarily "I want to have intercourse with that person"
Jeg søgte efter Pathfinder, og fik ingen resultater. Da jeg så søgte på fandt jeg et par communities, og med deres join-command kunne jeg efterfølgende finde dem i's søgning. Jeg har efterfølgende læst på et post at man først kan finde et community vores søgning når nogen har besøgt det via den instance man er på eller noget i den retning, så det er nok ikke baseret på opsætning alligevel. Et andet eksempel er når jeg kigger i Communities listen herinde med All valgt er der ca. 2 sider af communities, men på er der langt flere. Igen, det er muligvis fordi nogen skal have besøgt en community fra en instance før den optræder i listen.