As far as the mouse goes, the game has negative mouse acceleration forced on with no option to turn it off. How a game company can make a pc shooter and leave negative mouse accel on is beyond me. But there is a mod you can download somewhere on nexus that fixes this issue. There is a separate issue that causes your frames per sec to affect your mouse aim and changing graphics settings can wildly affect your sensitivity. Idk if mods can fix that part. I ended up refunding the game after about 2 hours of play because of all that plus getting soft locked and having to restart in the first 10 min
However if youre interested in playing on controller i have heard it works very good. I just can stand playing shooters on controller
I took strattera for a very short time many years ago when i was still in elementary school. I remember that it worked well but i was also not good about remembering to take meds every day. I stopped taking it after the first time i missed a dose. I only took it for a few days but the first time i missed a dose it felt like i had super ADD. Like i couldnt even concentrate on the things that i wanted to do let alone my school work. I switched to adderal after which worked much better for me.
the entire OST for Nier: Automata is amazing. i still need to play through Nier: Replicant and i think im looking forward to the music more than the game itself.