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  • That is a far more funny acronym. Especially for a Frenchy like me, since my peoples often say of the ones controlling such big corporations, "they have fangs so long, they scratch the floor". (Well… "They scratch the parquet", to be exact. But who care if the floor is made of wood or not at that point.)

  • Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit
  • Except the team behind Waze was merged with the one behind Google Maps, they just keep the two apps separated (for now) to prevent any backlash. Same with Doubleclick and Google Adds. (In fact, I've got the impression Doubleclick became nothing more than an alias for Google Adds. And for quite some time, I might add.)

  • Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit
  • Except all of Alphabet entreprises have a name starting by Google. (Or at least strongly evocating it, in the case of Gmail.)

    We can't say the same about Meta. Instagram isn't called "Facebook Gallery", and Threads isn't called "Facebook Short Messages". (And Oculus didn't become "Facebook VR", just Meta.)

  • Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit
  • Can't say I find this surprising, especially not coming from a #GAMAM. (Formerly #GAFAM)

  • Macron responds to Trump's inauguration by urging Europe to "wake up"
  • It's probably the first time that guy say someting inteligent in all his life.

  • Elon Tusk
  • Also work perfectly with France's curent president.

  • The Ark
  • Good teachers do it, both in history and french class, but that’s often an overlooked part of the teaching plan. In part because our government ask teachers to teach more and more things a year, and no days are added to said year. (The teaching about religion, I mean. Teaching religion is still illegal in public schools, and must be optional in privates ones.)

    Also, the "peoples" who govern us might prefer us ignorant of those things. (And many other, to be honest.)

  • The Ark
  • One morereason to like the fact France dont have any lesson on religion in its schools. (But let's be honest, there is also a aweful lot to dislike in our schools.)

  • Windows 11 is so broken that even Microsoft can’t fix it
  • Wich is what I said should be donne in such a case in my last answer, just with my own words.

    And no, using old MsO versions in not a sin, especially if you can't do otherwise. (Not thut it would be a sin to use what you're more comfortable with anyway.)

  • Windows 11 is so broken that even Microsoft can’t fix it
  • Hm… I was under the impression it was rare nowadays to have such a difference between the two, clearly I was wrong. And yes, with such layout problems between the two suites, you can’t use LibreOffice if you’re working conjointly with peoples using Ms Office. (Which is, lest be honest, the case almost all the time.)

    That said, for peoples at home who don’t need to share a modifiable version of the documents they create, y would still recommend LO over MsO, for no other reason than the price. (Which DON’T include peoples bringing work at home, nor those working on some collaborative documents in their free time.)

  • Windows 11 is so broken that even Microsoft can’t fix it
  • Are you saying this because of the file formats? You DO know you can saves your documents in the Ms Office 2007 formats, and even make them your default file formats, right?

  • Windows 11 is so broken that even Microsoft can’t fix it
  • Why use MS Office 2007 when you can use LibreOffice?