YSK: Holding CTRL while navigating or deleting text does it per word
BeHereNow @kbin.social 1 0

Didn't work for me, buy option key worked.
Can a rich person be a good person?
BeHereNow @kbin.social 3 0

If you're down voting please explain yourself. I'm guessing it's not because you are pro fascism/authoritarianism.
I don't know much about Soros, but I find how effectively the powers that be (and wanna be) were able to turn him into a boogeyman fascinating.
YSK there is a setting in your Lemmy profile to hide posts that you've seen. Upvoting counts as interacting with that post and will hide it after refresh.
BeHereNow @kbin.social 3 0

Don't see this option in kbin.
Can a rich person be a good person?
BeHereNow @kbin.social 2 0

Soros attempted to gain wealth to use it as a tool to fight for the oppressed. Didn't work out too well for him.
Any change today?
BeHereNow @kbin.social 10 0

Show as 'not available' for me. Guess reddit is dead. RIP reddit.
Reddit ded?
Reddit ded?
Just got back from a long hike. Opened my laptop and it was open to where I left off yesterday - a reddit page - but it didn't load. So I checked reddit.com - not available. Did it die without our love?