BaroquenRecorder @
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Comments 7
Data privacy: how to counter the "I have nothing to hide" argument? BaroquenRecorder 21 0
“You have nothing to hide until the government decides you do.” And by then it’ll be too late to hide it.
Realistically, what do you think will happen? BaroquenRecorder 2 0
I wish I could upvote this twice!
[HN] Google Search's Death by a Thousand Cuts BaroquenRecorder 1 0
Google search is already terrible. If you don’t add “reddit” to the search terms you just get ads and promoted stuff. Now that I can’t/won’t add “reddit” to the search terms Google is about to become WAAAAY less useful.
Second Day of Federation Test. Does anyone see this? Please reply with your account's home instance. BaroquenRecorder 1 0
Alternatives BaroquenRecorder 1 0
I think someone mentioned Peer Tube the other day but I haven’t looked at it myself.
How well-archived is Reddit? BaroquenRecorder 1 0
I forgot about all the wikis and helpful links. This is such a loss.
As a victim of domestic violence who has spent years online trying to help other victims, Reddit's act of undeleting several of my deleted comments just made me have to go through and manually delete. BaroquenRecorder 0 0
How did you find out they undeleted your posts? I was on some support subs too and deleted everything before I deleted my account. How can I find out if my posts were undeleted?