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Prince Aster [He/They/Zir]
Prince Aster [He/They/Zir] @ Astertheprince

Hi I'm Aster, I'm an autistic transmasc demiboy. I like technology, art, and science. I'm also into the furry fandom. I mainly prefer he/him and ze/zir pronouns, but they/them is also acceptable. Also I am a femboy.

Posts 14
Comments 13 An OpenAI whistleblower was found dead in his apartment. Now his mother wants answers

Why Suchir Balaji’s death has fueled conspiracy theories and unresolved questions.

An OpenAI whistleblower was found dead in his apartment. Now his mother wants answers
1 An OpenAI whistleblower was found dead in his apartment. Now his mother wants answers

Why Suchir Balaji’s death has fueled conspiracy theories and unresolved questions.

An OpenAI whistleblower was found dead in his apartment. Now his mother wants answers
0 An OpenAI whistleblower was found dead in his apartment. Now his mother wants answers

Why Suchir Balaji’s death has fueled conspiracy theories and unresolved questions.

An OpenAI whistleblower was found dead in his apartment. Now his mother wants answers
Windows VS Linux
  • My apologies, I didn't see that 😅

  • Windows VS Linux
  • It said "(Debloated)" you still have to debloat it even if it's already installed and has enough storage for your liking.

  • States of gender rule
  • I don't think it makes any implications about straightness, gayness, cisness, or transness. This just means gender not changing, a solid and static gender identity.

  • Taliban Official Mocks US for Rejecting Kamala Harris: 'Americans Are Not Ready to Hand Over' Country 'to a Woman'
  • Well judging by the comment he left on my post being rude to me about being openly trans I don't think he really cares about those people. He's very clearly a bigoted troll.

  • To appease a Steam user's demands for straight representation, Webfishing added a 'Straight' title that costs 9,999 fish bucks
  • You cared enough to reply :)

    Also thank you, I will continue to be openly trans and proud of it, I love making bigots squirm.

  • 19
    Community feedback on handling malicious downvoters
  • Downvote brigaders suck, they never contribute anything to the discussion, their only goal is to try and punish people, it was one of the many shitty problems on Reddit that we were told to just deal with. While it is mostly just annoying to get downvoted, so is spam in your, and I don't see spammers being defended or people arguing for their right to post spam or arguing what does and doesn't constitute spam. Nor do I see mods arguing that banning spammers violates "personal freedom" so I say that just like we do for spammers we should take out the trash.

  • I just can't help it...




    How men want to dress



  • Thank you for showing us that you are a troll.

  • States of gender rule
  • Beyond-Mogai-Pride-Flags on Tumblr.

  • States of gender rule
  • Too bad there aren't any 0 resistance ones, also no room temperature ones either.

  • States of gender rule
  • Probably at higher temperatures than what's shown on this phase diagram, which isn't really that great to be honest, since it also uses the wrong flag for gender solid.

    Correct Gender-solid flag:

  • States of gender rule

    Transmasc Godzilla Rule
  • I'm sorry I didn't mean any kind of offense. It just felt relatable as a transmasc person and I thought other transmasc people could relate.

  • Transmasc Godzilla Rule
  • I felt like I remember it happening more times 🤔

  • Transmasc Godzilla Rule


    Transmasc Godzilla Rule

    Denuvo is tired of gamers saying its DRM is bad for games
  • Think it would go over well at !, or do you think they'd reject it?

  • egg😣irl
