I was planning a trip to PA and Las Vegas in 2025.
Now those have been changed to France and Amsterdam. It'll cost me much more, however I'm not going to America for the foreseeable future.
This is very exciting! I have no idea why we keep buying California Reds in Ontario when we can be drinking either Canadian wines or even old world reds from Italy or France.
We now have pixelfed.ca for Instagram, however PeerTube?
So as we're all trying to cut America out of our lives at this instance, one of my soft spots is YouTube. I spend likely too much time there following different creators.
I know there are some peertube instances that exist, however looking through them they all seem very very specific to their niche. Does anyone know of a PeerTube instance that is both Canadian and 'General' content?
A motorcycle charity ride turned tragic Saturday morning after a semi-truck collided with a group of motorcyclists, killing two men.

This site is currently struggling to handle the amount of new users. I have already upgraded the server, but it will go down regardless if half of Reddit tries to join. However Lemmy is federated software, meaning you can interact seamlessly with communities on other instances like beehaw.org [http:...
The software is distinct from the opinions of the developer in my opinion... I mean I'm not a communist however I enjoyed playing Tetris...
Racial lottery system for specialty programs is unlikely to improve fairness

Housing Now was supposed to deliver thousands of units quickly, but four years later it has stalled on a shaky economy, infrastructure issues and bureaucracy.

Ontario is singled out in an electricity regulator’s report warning two-thirds of North America is “at risk of energy shortfalls this summer” should temperatures spike.

Home buyers face growing competition, climbing prices as new listings lag sales
Sellers are still hesitant to list for fear of not being able to find their next home, says the Toronto real estate board.

A trooper fired shots after the motorist attempted to maneuver the truck toward the Canadian port of entry in Woodstock, New Brunswick.
The shocking incident was captured on the store's security cameras.

Meta’s move follows a similar tactic employed by Google earlier this year, which saw the global search giant launch a test that filtered out Canadian and international news content for some of its users in Canada.

Ontario charges Marineland over care of its black bears
Ontario has charged Marineland over the care of its black bears.