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Aqua Aqua

Everyone should be expected to be vegan.

Posts 119
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4 Potential Climate Solutions — and Their Viability
  • Countries with proportional representation do better on climate. Two-party systems won’t allow the economic model to shift away from capitalism, that’s why we need to support the smaller parties and independents to actually get things done with electoral reform.

  • How to Navigate Diabetes as a Vegan With These 5 Essential Tips

    These five essential tips will help you go from sugar high to sugar stable and manage your diabetes on a vegan diet. 

    How to Navigate Diabetes as a Vegan With These 5 Essential Tips
    The Shocking Vegan Hulk
  • Broccoli makes you jacked baby 😎

  • Avian Flu Research Funding Caught in Crosshairs of Trump Administration
  • Another great export from America like the Kansas Flu

  • The Shocking Vegan Hulk

    4 Eight Facts the Bullfighting Industry Does Not Want You to Know

    They lie, like all the others. If you look at it in detail, you will find that any animal exploitation industry lies to their “customers” and the public because, deep down, they know that what they do…

    Eight Facts the Bullfighting Industry Does Not Want You to Know
    How Many Chickens Are Killed Every Year?
  • Chicken: a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, or the meat of this bird that is cooked and eaten:

  • How Many Chickens Are Killed Every Year?
  • It don’t see anything wrong with that paragraph. Anything to attack the author by accusing them of being ai.

  • Avian Flu Research Funding Caught in Crosshairs of Trump Administration

    Zoonotic disease spread and vaccine research projects are among those under review.

    Avian Flu Research Funding Caught in Crosshairs of Trump Administration
    7 There’s Now a Vegan Meal Delivery Service for Athletes

    Co-founded by triathlete Brendan Brazier, FireRoad aims to provide nutrient-dense, plant-based meals that offer the perfect balance of macro and micronutrients.

    There’s Now a Vegan Meal Delivery Service for Athletes
    4 Six Reasons Bacon Isn’t Cool (And Why You Should Think Twice Before Eating It)

    Behind every strip of bacon is a dark side of the pig industry that many don’t know about. Here’s why bacon just isn’t as “cool” as it seems, from the cruelty to the mistreatment of animals to the…

    Six Reasons Bacon Isn’t Cool (And Why You Should Think Twice Before Eating It)
    1 WWF Under Fire for Facilitating Trade in Polar Bear Fur

    A two-year investigation has revealed that the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), a leading wildlife conservation charity, has been involved in facilitating the commercial trade of polar bear fur while…

    WWF Under Fire for Facilitating Trade in Polar Bear Fur
    1 Wild fish can tell humans apart when they dress differently, study finds

    Researchers say study, which involved training bream to follow a specific diver for treats, could change the way we treat fish

    Wild fish can tell humans apart when they dress differently, study finds

    Dunkin’ Becomes Latest Coffee Chain To Scrap Dairy-Free Milk Surcharge Dunkin' Becomes Latest Coffee Chain To Scrap Dairy-Free Milk Surcharge

    Dunkin’ has announced it will remove the dairy-free milk surcharge at all US locations from next month following customer feedback

    Dunkin' Becomes Latest Coffee Chain To Scrap Dairy-Free Milk Surcharge

    Plant-Based Eating Helps Reduce Grocery Costs According to New Study Plant-Based Eating Helps Reduce Grocery Costs According to New Study - vegconomist - the vegan business magazine

    A recent analysis by CouponBirds challenges the widespread belief that plant-based diets are more expensive than conventional eating habits. The study, which

    Plant-Based Eating Helps Reduce Grocery Costs According to New Study - vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
    1 French Government Prosecuted Over Bottom Trawling Protected Areas

    Two French environmentalist organisations, the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and Défense des Milieux Aquatiques (DMA), have taken the French Government to court over allowing the destructive…

    French Government Prosecuted Over Bottom Trawling Protected Areas
    More land animals than ever before are slaughtered for meat.
  • Completely inexcusable. Humanity is regressing.

  • Good News - Global Fur Production Declining Dramatically. A reminder that activism can work
  • Thank you for this inspiring comment! I could use some more optimism in my life.

  • Good News - Global Fur Production Declining Dramatically. A reminder that activism can work
  • Stepping on puppies 2 times a day instead of 4 times is still wrong.

  • Good News - Global Fur Production Declining Dramatically. A reminder that activism can work
  • If only we could say the same thing about animals slaughtered for flesh 😭

  • Activists File Complaint Against Yale University’s Treatment of Squirrels in Research
  • They need to stop experimenting on the taneggs!

  • The "Psychopathy" of Eating Meat | Interview with Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu
  • Every Carnist who defends eating meat sound like psychopaths.

  • No Diet Uses Fewer Plants Than Eating Plant-Based — Here’s Why
  • Carnists are always "falsely concerned" about plants in order to make false equivalences to justify their hand in animal abuse.

  • The Rise of "Carnivore Wellness"
  • God help us when we have to deal with carnivore morons who say in a broad brush "all plants are processed"

  • This is how much longer you could live if you eat less meat, more plants
  • Eating plant-based wont affect your quality of life as there are many great recipes for you to try out.

    There's scientific evidence that shows eating plant-based decrease your risk for chronic diseases. So its not just living 6-10 years longer.

  • How Warsaw became the unlikely vegan capital of Europe
  • “Veganism tends to be perceived as a pejorative term,” according to Anna Spurek, the chief operating officer at the Green REV Institute, Poland’s first vegan thinktank. “The meat lobby and interest groups use it to polarise society.” It has been a common refrain of rightwing politicians that veganism is anti-Polish – that it is a similar form of propaganda to the “LGBT agenda” – and that vegans are “insane and detached from reality,” she said.

    The right wing extremists can pound sand.

    He’s attuned to the fact that what you eat can be a political statement. He once conducted a study in which he interviewed a number of Polish MPs on their diets and tried to map their politics. “The more left-leaning a politician, the more likely they were to have a vegetarian diet and eat international cuisines,” he told me. A 2019 study by Ipsos showed similar results. Polish politicians were asked: “What actions are you willing to take to help fight climate change?” Among politicians from the left, 30% stated that they would give up meat, versus a mere 11% for the right wing Law and Justice party.