Anono14168 @
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Comments 4
Wireless connection Error!!! Anono14168 1 0
Just connected the ethernet , installed everything and it worked
Wireless connection Error!!!

So I just installed arch linux , the manual and the real way but I am facing error using pacman and while ping . It was working fine in USB iso . Need suggestion . Read the wiki and tried thing but no good.
Has Techlore sold out? Anono14168 2 0
Thanks man just got a copy of 1 of their book, after reading it I may buy more of them, deponds.
Has Techlore sold out? Anono14168 3 0
Can you give me the link of these sources , I enjoy reading about privacy.
Has Techlore sold out? Anono14168 1 0
Yeah man! same I loved his content but recently he has been taking side with colgomarates.