Steamed buns and hot indian curry were my picks. Ate there a lot, loved the lived in feel 😁
Handily my phone can use the same chargers that we use for laptops on our house, and as the charge is fast, and battery capacity good, I don't bother charging it at night unless it's low. Before this phone I'd charge every night. Some sort of progress.
And it's in my All hot feed, does that mean I've sicked all the content up already?
Having lived half my life in the UK and the other half in NZ I'd say the socks combo looks way more acceptable here, maybe I've got that skewed?
socks with sandals?
Gross? Practical for the dairy? Fine for all occasions? What say we?
Bonus question, socks with jandals anywhere?
Wonderful thanks!
Coming from all - can someone fill me in on what a chess rave is? MDMA, house music and chess?
For someone with mental health challenges I think that's 'normal'. I think emotional states like dread, despair and others that don't fit with what's happening in front of you can be part of the symptoms. This happens to me more when I'm more stressed over a prolonged period, or other triggers generally cause my mental health to decline.
Does it go the other way too, unusual episodes of excitability, joy etc?
Anybody know of the democrat or Republican composition of the people making this decision?
That is one oddball piece of landscaping. Just add ornamental human to finish off the garden.
I had a roller lifting up at the edge of the bed that caused this. In my case is defined the bed mesh to large in klipper and the hot end was pushing up metal slope on thex gantry.