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Looking For Specific STL Files For 3D Printing
  • I haven't tried that bot. I'll give it a look. Thanks!

  • New Bill to Effectively Kill Anime & Other Piracy in the U.S. Gets Backing by Netflix, Disney & Sony
  • The bill also has transparency implications. It says that a court must make the order publicly available, highlighting the name of the petitioner, the foreign sit

    Sounds like for those who know how to use a VPN this will be a nice list of potentially new sites! Gotta look for some silver lining for you guys. Your country is having a rough go aha

  • Looking For Specific STL Files For 3D Printing
  • Alright, I'm hunker down and wait. Hopefully it isn't too long aha

  • Looking For Specific STL Files For 3D Printing
  • I am in the scene, and I've been trying to get an invite. It is incredibly hard to find aha. Lots of scammers offering to let you buy your way in for the low price of $75-$200! Totally legit aha

  • Looking for more mods
  • Must be willing to enforce instance rules as well

    I can follow rules, though that's not very pirate like!

    Being very active in /c/piracy will be a big a plus, as that will allow you to notice and respond to problem posts, even before they're reported.

    Just joined the instance but I'm the only mod for Xbox on .World. I'll be activate, but not every hour kinda active.

    Knowledgeable about pirate culture and tech a plus.

    I know enough of each to get me by.

    I'm on Eastern Time.

  • Looking For Specific STL Files For 3D Printing

    I've checked the usual telegrams and haven't found'em. Anyone have any suggestions on where to possibly find them? I think I'm not crossing any rules with this.
