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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Should I buy a 240hz monitor?
  • My GPU is not able to drive anything of that sort hahaha. But the monitor was much cheaper than it used to be so I thought I'd snatch it and wait for a few months until I buy a new rig.

  • Should I buy a 240hz monitor?
  • Two things this will depend on - what are your system specs, and what games do you play.

    The thing is my PC has really old specs. But I saw the monitor heavily discounted so I thought I'd snatch it even if I can't really use it properly for a few months.

  • Should I buy a 240hz monitor?

    I'm on the market for a new monitor. Mine is a very old Asus that is a 1080p/60hz monitor.

    A few days ago I used to be the occasional competitive player (just playing with friends) and while I might play a competitive game or two again, I'm wondering if I should buy the BenQ Zowie 2546K. Where I'm looking (local market), it's currently the lowest price it's ever been.

    But my hesitation lies on the fact that I might have more use for a 4k/140hz monitor.

    I guess I'm mostly looking for personal recommendations.

    Gaming Acala

    Valve dropping Battle Pass for Dota 2 Dota 2 - Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future - Steam News

    The ten year anniversary of Dota's public release is coming up (yes, we're working on some fun stuff for it; no, we're definitely not going to hit the July 9th date listed on Steam). As anniversaries go ten years is a big one, and while looking back is important, what's more important is how we appr...

    Dota 2 - Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future - Steam News

    Cities Turn to ‘Extreme’ Water Recycling Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme’ Water Recycling

    San Francisco is at the forefront of a movement to recycle wastewater from commercial buildings, homes, and neighborhoods and use it for toilets and landscaping. This decentralized approach, proponents say, will drive down demand in an era of increasing water scarcity.


    European Parliament approved rules to make portable batteries replaceable Making batteries more sustainable, more durable and better-performing | News | European Parliament

    On Wednesday, Parliament approved new rules for the design, production and waste management of all types of batteries sold in the EU.

    Making batteries more sustainable, more durable and better-performing  | News | European Parliament
    Gaming Acala

    Final Fantasy XVI has leaked; be careful for spoilers

    Can we make a habit around here to post directly the tweet/comment/article instead of posting a screenshot to it
  • I disagree with this. I'm all for federated and non-corporate alternatives but I think we should post the source and not an alternative front-end. Those that want to use exclusively those alternative front-ends have access to browser add-ons that automatically redirect them.

  • kbin Acala

    Can we make a habit around here to post directly the tweet/comment/article instead of posting a screenshot to it

    I'm sorry to post this here, this might be the wrong place so please redirect me to a more appropriate magazine.

    On Reddit (LinkedIn is even worse if I'm being honest) you would constantly see screenshot of tweets but never a link to the tweet themselves.

    kbin would probably save a lot of bandwidth doing this, and it'd make the experience much more pleasant for those who want to follow the object of the screenshot's discussion.
