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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

Just a random stranger here for their own soapbox. Expect things about nature, conservation, food, homesteading and the like.

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Comments 23
Jan. 6 video evidence has 'disappeared' from public access, media coalition says
  • As much as I hate it, there's currently still available a thread on Reddit that provides links to various archives of January 6th info/video/etc. I personally have the 1~ TB video archive data saved and mirrored on a couple of cold storage drives and I'd encourage anyone with the extra HDD space to grab as much as you can while it's there.

    Link to the Reddit thread:

  • [low stakes post] am i missing something or is this comm enforcing rules against… acronyms?
  • I mean, if in the context those posts were low-effort and didn't contribute to the thread in any meaningful way, I could understand. Like sharing nothing but a reaction gif in a discussion heavy community could be seen as "low effort".

    But common acronyms? Yeah, that's definitely a strange thing.

    Also, isn't GIF itself an acronym? something-or-other Image Format?

  • Do people REALLY want to buy beautiful land instead of empty land?
  • You'd get more for developing the land, yes. But depending on your area, and how you develop it, you might not profit from it.

    Land with trees on it looks nicer, and draws a higher premium, but usually only if those trees are mature and provide benefits in the form of shade, use, etc.

    A scraggly patch of undeveloped land with some scraggly new trees won't see much of an increase.

    Really depends on the market, and the effort you're willing to put in if making money is the goal.

  • Warner Bros. uploaded full length movies to YouTube, you all know what to do
  • I'll admit I asked that question before looking at the list. After looking, it only further cemented my pre-conceived notion that the youtube release is absolute trash.

    A mere 36 movies, and based on titles, most if not all readily available from higher quality sources. None of them seem particularly obscure, as I recognize several actors' names and I'm not the type to care too much about who plays who.

    I mean, hey, if youtube rips are your jam, go for it people. But for those looking for quality/obscurity, you'd probably have better luck elsewhere.

  • What's something that's taken for granted that occasionally makes you think, wait wtf?
  • Not just merely a machine powered by explosions, sitting on volatile liquids... but one in which we've decided that it's also a great place to enjoy some music, maybe a nice beverage, and as a great way to take our attention off into vast distances to the sides to "see the sights".

    I think to myself as I steer with one knee, trying to simultaneously drink my coffee and light a cigarette...

  • NASA scrubbed its website to remove mentions of minorities and inclusion [Mixture]
  • Just throwing an anecdote out there, but just went to myself, entered "Sally Ride" in their search box, and it pulled up several pieces about her. This is as of February 7th, 2025 for a reference for those that see this comment at some later date.

  • What's something that's taken for granted that occasionally makes you think, wait wtf?
  • Driving.

    Somehow millions of us go hurtling by each other mere inches away in multiple tons of steel, often in conditions less than ideal yet for the most part, it's a safe way to travel.

    We can't even collectively agree on most topics, yet we put our lives in each others' hands every day.

    Even disregarding all the other drivers, we put ourselves in a metal can, hurtle towards solid objects, and simply count on the idea that on average, nothing catastrophic will happen.

    Pure, random chance is enough to end us - animal pops into the road, a tree randomly falling, etc. - yet there we go, on yet another daily commute.

    I have a long commute through the "middle of nowhere" so lots of time to think about things that ought to be downright terrifying. The thought of hitting one moose is bad. Never occurred to me until just the other day that two moose was not out of the realm of possibility.

  • Do people have a desire to see "THE END?"
  • I don't know if it's wanting to see "The End" as you put it, but at least in my case I'm just tired of all the "We're this close to doomsday!" stuff and think to myself "Holy crap, just get it over with already" - the idea being that after everything turns to absolute crap, the only direction left is back up.

    Like either the world is going to end soon, or we're going to figure out how to get along as a collective, global society. But while we're stuck in between the two, it's annoying.

  • A discussion of moderation and other such conversation-management. Mod bans me, the post, a selection of my replies.
  • People want spaces about a certain topic. It makes sense that people then "censor" things that don't fit said topic.

    Even if that topic is "Be kind".

    Just as with "free speech" in real life, online there are also limitations. If you disagree with those limitations, you have the freedom to go elsewhere. If you find that nowhere fits the kind of place you want to be in, make your own.

    Just as people don't have to tolerate being around others mouthing off in their face, so to can they take steps to avoid/prevent that online.

    In my opinion, people that can't fathom that concept are the ones most in need of that oversight.

  • What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?
  • Put an N64 controller in my hands, and I've still got the muscle memory for all the fatalities in Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate Edition. As well as Shang Tsung's entire move set.

    Oh and HALIFAX? !YNGWIE! to unlock the Naboo starfighter in N64's Rogue Squadron.

  • The Government’s Computing Experts Say They Are Terrified | Four IT professionals lay out just how destructive Elon Musk’s incursion into the U.S. government could be.
  • I can say for certain that they dont. At least not all of the firearms. And "or else"? Really? Are you intending that to read as a threat, or merely a warning about said dumbfucks?

    Because that sort of "threat" is a nice indicator of the type of person that shouldn't have access to firearms.

  • Sovcit really, really paid off their car, honest to God.
  • I mean besides the obvious in ties to a SovCit, the letter itself doesn't read quite like it should. The language used seems a little too basic for a financial document.

    Though I can't say for certain, as I have exactly zero experience with financing a car through a dealer. Credit unions ftw.

  • 02/01/2025 - Pentagon swaps out NYTimes, Washington Post, NPR, and NBC News from their Pentagon news offices to make room for NY Post, One America, Breitbart and HuffPost
  • With the caveat of "actual journalism". Too many "journalists" just rehashing social media posts, not nearly enough in-depth investigative journalism.

    I'd also like to see less editorialization of news-worthy topics, and more "Here are the facts, in their entirety".

    But yes, fuck the corporatized mass media in general. Obviously there are some exceptions, but those holding the purse strings can all collectively fuck off.

  • The Government’s Computing Experts Say They Are Terrified | Four IT professionals lay out just how destructive Elon Musk’s incursion into the U.S. government could be.
  • You'd think there's enough global support that something might kick off elsewhere in the world. But those not having to deal directly with the nonsense going on in the US have the benefit of being able to sit back and spout off.

    Sorry we're not revolting fast enough. Kind of hard to do when things are generally equally split in the country, and the majority of folks need to keep going to work to keep food on the table.

    Probably all as designed, but we're all too damned tired and those doing things we don't like know it.

  • Surgeon removed wrong organ then covered it up, widow alleges in suit
  • I feel like if the nurse knew the instruction was false, following "orders" makes them just as complicit. And yes, obviously there are risks associated with telling someone with authority over you "You're wrong".

  • Surgeon removed wrong organ then covered it up, widow alleges in suit
  • So I'm not a doctor, but I assume knowing basic anatomy is a requirement, right? Like, I just recently had an ultrasound and could tell what my liver was compared to other organs. Surely if an untrained eye can pick out a liver, surely a doctor should be able to...