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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 1
Comments 5
  • i was really disappointed by gmail when i was forced to use it at work. i was not looking forward to use it, but i wanted to give it a chance. i don't understand why its so popular. there are so many annoying gui issues:

    • new mails in a "folder" make it bold, but selecting the folder to look into the mails, also make the folder bold
    • the real settings interface is hidden behind two clicks, i think i never used the settings visible after the first click...
    • the "new mail" interface is a joke. i want to write a mail, not a chat..
    • you have to use # to delete mails.
    • you can not select multiple mails with shift, but you have to use those check boxes in the front of each line.
  • Mein einjähriger Titanwurz (Tränenbaum/Teufelszunge) vom Balkon

    Der Mutter Tränenbaum hat letztes Jahr ein paar zusätzliche Knollen gebildet. Diese sind nicht Winterhart und werden im Keller (dunkel und trocken) überwintert. Wenn es frostfrei ist, kann man sie wieder nach draußen pflanzen. Die letzten Tage konnte man ihm fast beim wachsen zuschauen. Bisher hat noch kein Tränenbaum geblüht.
