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Orange Pi Neo is new handheld powered by AMD and comes preinstalled with Manjaro
  • Going with #HoloISO doesn't seem like it would make much sense to me. As far as I understand it is something like an unauthorized derivative of #SteamOS so you'd be putting yourself at Valve's whims without Valve okaying it and no voice at all in the development process.

    I like getting the dev team of an open distro involved, I guess #ChimeraOS might have been better if they fit that description as well though.

    @entropicdrift @helenslunch @linux_gaming

  • "I would like to switch to Linux, but it's just not good for gaming"
  • way back the issue most certainly was that though. There was a time when trying to run games with wine was a frustrating exercise that only resulted in a success in small minority of cases... which meant the answer was almost certainly negative when accounting for the additional restriction of trying to run the games you actually wished to be playing. Not everyone may remember this of course.

    @neatchee @linux_gaming

  • "We've used 5% of our defense budget to arm Ukraine. And with it, they've destroyed 50% of Putin's army." - Ad targeted to Republicans to support Ukraine
  • I don't think the point here is that the US 5% contribution has single handedly led to Russia losing 50%. The point is that the coalition as a whole are each spending relatively little compared to what the total cost to the Russians is. Ukraine is of course also paying a much heavier price than any of its western supporters who help it keep fighting.

    @Zuberi @Mouette

  • Bloomberg: US Senator calls for investigation following allegations Elon Musk disrupted Ukraine's strike on Russian fleet
  • @Thorny_Thicket @chaogomu

    That quote is wrong though. There absolutely was coverage for Crimea at one point. Elon took it away when he decided Ukrainians should not be able to use Starlink too far in Russian occupied Ukraine.

    That "conflict area" thing is a joke also. The front lines elsewhere in Ukraine are not a conflict area?


  • Russian incendiaries burning the Kreminna Forest
  • @Eheran Thanks, yeah I saw your other comments that provided informational links after posting this.


  • Russia says there's a problem with billions of rupees it has in India that need to be converted
  • @Ulara @cheese_greater Not really sure it is true that it is more gentle on its own population as a blanket statement. That would depend on the era we are talking about. Stalin certainly was worse but Gorbachev wasn't.


  • Russian incendiaries burning the Kreminna Forest
  • @ours I constantly see it said that these are actually unlikely to be white phosphorus as a reply to the videos being labeled as such...

    Anyone have a longer explanation or a link to one about the range of things these kinds of attacks can be and why they might or might not be white phosphorus when it is Russia doing it in Ukraine?


  • [NSFL] Photos from the scene of the Russian attack on the central market in Kostyantynivka, where Russia took the lives of 17 people.
  • @Wilshire @ukraine These are horrible. Personally I make myself look because I feel it is important not to get a censored view of what is happening in war so I can stay more aware of the real costs instead of just looking at tanks blowing up from aerial footage (while conveniently forgetting there were people inside)...

  • Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon
  • @annanic @ukraine If you have other quality suggestions, feel free to offer them like others have done. I've gone through hundreds of accounts from various lists but most lists are either very small or have tons of dormant accounts. Personally I think most on this one are reasonably good quality but obviously that's a matter of taste.

    If you narrow the scope by whatever specific criteria you will probably end up with a pretty small list as things stand on Mastodon right now. Even this one is not a particularly long list.

  • Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon
  • @Ulara Yes @hanse_mina is worth a follow too.

    BTW, seems like lemmy did not show your message either as part of the thread before I tagged @ukraine in this reply even though you posted on #lemmy. Weird.

  • Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon
  • @dan80 @ukraine Some good additional suggestions there and thanks for linking your list as well! There's lots more accounts to follow besides the ones I mentioned for sure if anyone is left wishing they had a larger list.

    The better known ones that I may have left out I probably just put in a slightly different category due to other stuff they post about or think are inactive on Mastodon currently.

  • Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon
  • @yugaego @ukraine I know what you mean and it does make sense to me too that Russia should be named being the one to blame for this war.

  • Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon
  • @DuncanMSussexPol @ukraine Another thing you can do besides nitter is use a bridge such as to get the posts to fedi from there. It might not have recovered from the recent breakage that also affected nitter though and there is always the worry that Musk will eventually completely block these solutions...

  • Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon
  • @DeeGLloyd @ukraine Good suggestion, I agree @anderspuck is another great one to follow.

  • Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon
  • @ijatz_La_Hojita @ukraine I don't think anyone in these supports Russia but I've at least tried to find ones that strive to be accurate and reasonably objective.

  • Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon

    Recommended follow list for Ukraine war on Mastodon

    Here are my recommendations for coverage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Only accounts active recently and you can easily import them from a file. They are split into two different lists by type.

    1. Ukraine: OSINT & war updates

    This list mostly has accounts posting quickly about daily events of the war and doing open source intelligence.

    Accounts in this list: @warnoir @noelreports @warmapper @Tendar @militarylandnet @chrisschmitz @militarnyi @Landcombatmissiles @Gettyregion

    1. Ukraine: Analysis & coverage

    This list is accounts focused more on in-depth analysis, information about what is happening in the background, followup stories etc.

    Accounts in this list: @Odrachewych @markhertling @justinling @WarInTheFuture @joannekelly @rikefranke @EmmanuelleChaze @aliide @anneapplebaum @giocomai @PopovaProf @OlyaOliker @EugeneMcParland @ChrisO\_wiki @AlexSpal @markmackinnon @timkmak @jpaulgoode @ScottLucas @tonimichel\_ @ManyRoads @AndersGottlieb @kevinrothrock @MAKS23

    Download the file here if you want to import:\_lists.csv

    The import file relies on the List import feature recently added to Mastodon. I have noticed the list import results in a few accounts sometimes ending up in their separate list by the same name so you may have to fix that manually afterwards if this happens on your instance. If many people are on an older Mastodon version and want it I can also post a follows file that will work for those.

    Import instructions:

    1. Sign into your instance on the web
    2. go to settings (Gear icon)
    3. Choose Import and Export -\> Import
    4. For import type choose "Lists" (could also be "Translation missing: en.imports.types.lists" if there is an issue with the localization).
    5. Select "merge" to only add to your current follows/lists so nothing you have gets deleted
    6. Browse for CSV file and start import

    I would also suggest following the hashtags #Ukraine and #UkraineWar

    Crossposted to @ukraine on Lemmy which you can also follow through Mastodon

    \#TwitterMigration #RedditMigration #FediTips #FollowFriday #ff #Ukraine #UkraineWar
