I should have been doing something constructive but I've been tinkering with my neofetch instead, here's how it looks now 😀
#unixporn #programming
@unixporn #unixporn #programming
distro: @alpinelinux
shell: #fishShell
display server: #wayland
font: #Iosevka Fixed Nerd Font Mono
window manager: #sway
terminal emulator: @wez's #WezTerm
status bar: #waybar
launcher: #wofi
fetch: #neofetch
process viewer: #htop
editor: @neovim
browser: [@qutebrowser](https://fosst
on Artix, Waybar, basic configuration
[River] on Artix, Waybar, basic configuration
Trying out posting to Lemmy from Mastodon
( NetBSD
@unixporn [CTWM] NetBSD
NetBSD default config, is it just me or is this color scheme really cool?
( Arch Linux
@unixporn [xfce4] Arch Linux
Theme/icon/wallpaper : IndigoMagic