It was basically alright, and I kinda got into it as it progressed. But it has SUCH a slow start. First few episodes are basically pure character-building with no invasion going on whatsoever. And a few eps are so incredibly dark - and I don’t mean grim story, I mean black pixels with almost no visible details! - that they are unwatchable. I ended up skipping through about half an episode (the one in the house) because it was impossible to see what was going on, and just boring. Still, I was invested enough by the end of season 1 to give the new season a shot.
Off-topic, but it’s been like a month since either of the mods have done anything around here. I messaged them both a week ago, but have gotten no response.
Had to chuckle at Mitsuki’s Molotov buildout. After three direct hits, I instinctually was looking around for alcohol and cloth, wondering when she’d find time to craft more.
I know we’re supposed to dislike the tech billionaire guy for story reasons, but this show’s writing is so touch-and-go that I hate him for just being unbelievable as a human—even a sociopathic, narcissistic one.
Luke (the son) is such a little shit, which—having raised a moody teenager—is actually the most realistic character in this show. But it’s still uncomfortable because we don’t like our movie/tv teens to be quite as fucking annoying as in real life. Such a conundrum. Hopefully his psychic connection will make him more likable in the episodes to come.
So, the metal shard is a compass, right? After four months, how are people still in the dark regarding that alloy and its effect on the weird rot/terraform stuff and the obvious use as a weapon against the aliens? Did I miss something?
Damn, David Bowie’s estate is making money off this show. We got another playback of Space Oddity (after hearing it in S01E09 I think), and they threw Moonage Daydream into the end credits.