McCarthies everywhere
McCarthies everywhere
McCarthies everywhere
The soviet union was authoritarian state capitalist (as opposed to market-capitalist). It just called itself communist, even though the Soviets (worker's councils) were suborned to the party very rapidly.
Inform me about countries that have implemented communism and weren't / didn't turn out to be heavily oppressive.
They literally all copied the soviet union's homework (Marxist-Leninism), there are other theories that haven't had the chance to be tried. Like Council Communsim, Syndicalism, Libertarian Communism, Anarchism, etc. The failure of Marxist-Leninist countries proves Marxist-Leninism doesn't work. It doesn't prove that communism doesn't work
The problem is: who is willing to bet their country on an experimental system that could turn out better but could also turn in a totalitarian system?
Hmm thank you for your detailed info. And which communism would you perhaps try it out on a country scale?
There are many.
There have been dozens of communist nations. Which one of them isn't totalitarian?
Has legal protection for private property, isn't socialism
This meme would be more accurate if every known animal did actually have fur
"But it wasn't real communism" ?
Nice try tankie.
A tankie would be defending the soviet union. Tankie =/= communist. Tankie = authoritarian "communist"
Good one. He’s totally a libral now.