I’m wondering if the woman interviewing him is from the Department of Control; often feels like a missed opportunity to mix universes and not take advantage of it.
I hope the “flashlight that goes out all the time because the batteries are trash” gameplay got reworked for the better. I like the first game, but really didn’t like the combat.
They needed to limit it somewhat because light is your most powerful weapon. Later in the game you’re even being given multiple ways of generating light.
I feel like if the takeaway was “always waiting for it to recharge”, you’re missing the point of the combat structure.
Very excited for this. This was one of my favorite games on 360 when it came out. Just recently played the remastered and felt it was a bit repetitive. Hope they’re able to get some variation going with the combat for the sequel.
I still need to go through the DLC. Has anyone gone through them?
I really enjoyed Control. Just finished it the main story and AWE dlc recently. Gotta go through the foundation one now.
I loved both! I think I enjoyed Alan Wake more when I was playing it back on the 360. But looking back now I think Control is definitely the better game.AW just holds a special place with me as It was so unique for its time.
I would put Control pretty high on a list of all my favorite games. Phenomenal experience and definitely one of the highlights of games in the last few years