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Danish "socialist" party, Enhedslisten chose a new leader, Pelle Dragsted, who commemorated the "Tiananmen Square Massacre" this June. Denmark is so cucked. (Translation in body)

The tweet translated:

Today is the anniversary of the massacre of students and workers who fought for freedom, rights and democracy in China, but were suppressed with violence and repression. China's repression of dissidents unfortunately continues in high gear.

This dude is the new leader for "Enhedslisten"(Unity List), the only "socialist"(They have recently been pro NATO until an alternative arises) party with enough mandates to receive government positions, they are fairly popular.

Denmark is so cucked.

The tweet:

News article about him becoming "ordfører" for Enhedslisten: (Danish)

  • I always say this event had more impact in the West than in China itself

    • I’d say that the whole event was win-win for China. Got rid of counter-revolutionaries, and the sanctions motivated China to develop their own (military) tech.

      It’s a shame that it wasn’t used as an example of US neo-colonialism as it should have been.

    • Well when you memory hole an event as hard as you can so that an entire generation forgets about a bloody crackdown on democratic ideals, sure. It had more of an affect outside of where that suppression happened because people actually remember.

      • Yeah cuz westerners definitely know more about Chinese history than Chinese people LMAO

      • Chinese people weren't forced to "memory hole" the event, contrary to what we are taught here in the West, Chinese people know plenty of T Square.

        For an introduction to the truth, TLDR: the "pro democracy" protests were formented by the CIA to purposefully sow division and stir unrest. Their goals were purposefully vague and ill defined. The majority of the casualties were policemen who were immolated by these CIA-funded upper middle class goons, policemen whom worked very hard to avoid violence (Asian police are not the same types of police we imagine here in the open-air prison of the West). All the "evidence" of there being a massacre falls apart under the slightest scrutiny: pictures supposedly showing scores of dead bodies on the pavement are almost entirely abandoned bicycles.

        The famous "tank man" video is honestly the perfect encapsulation of the truth. You're telling me this despotic, murderous regime was killing hundreds of civilians but wouldn't squish one lone man holding up an entire column of tanks? I don't know if you're familiar with wartime behavior but an entity committed to slaughtering civilians doesn't withhold just because one man is being brave, it only illustrates their reluctance to commit violence. If you watch the whole video, he climbs on top of the tanks, bangs on the turret. A soldier comes out, they talk. Afterwards, the man gestures and some people cross the street.

        The same thing happened with the "democratic ideals" of the Hong Kong rioters, who, again, were CIA-funded and who were far more violent towards the police than the police were to them.

        "Color revolutions" such as these are a common tactic from the US playbook. Just as the US throughout history illustrates its mastery of deceit, muddying waters, and complete disregard for human life, China illustrates time and time again that it genuinely cares about the wellbeing of its citizens, even those affected by foreign brainwashing.

        Xinjiang "genocide" (aka humane rehabilitation of American-fertilized fascists commended by the entire world outside of the West) is another perfect example of this.

        I'm sorry but everything you've heard about China is a lie. The real dystopia has been here, all along.

  • For helved da. Of course they are... democratic socialists?, well western "socialists", through and through.

    • Pretty much. They are definitely socialist in their definition, but they believe in the weakest form of socialist revolution: Voting it in ... On paper at least, in practice it's hasn't been looking good imo. The current ordfører bashing the worlds largest socialist project and them supporting NATO until an alternative is presented is worrying.

      Commendably (Quite a while ago now) they did vote no to the removal of the EU forsvarsforbehold. (As the only left-wing party btw, some right-wing parties did vote no, but that's because they want their own fascist militaries lol)

      Direct democracy, socialist economy, community based governance, rewriting grundloven(constitution) etc. all good stuff on paper.

      • There is also this ... The incident is rather cringe, the police removed a Tibet flag from protesters during a China-Denmark state visit, and the police officers themselves were reprimanded for acting on their own accord. But I find this post even more cringe.


        Protest against panda diplomacy. Today, Eva Flyvholm, foreign affairs spokesperson for Enhedslisten, gave a speech at the demonstration organised by the Support Committee for Tibet in front of the Copenhagen Zoo. "We are not against the pandas, but it is clear that Denmark gets the pandas after we toned down our criticism of the Chinese occupation of Tibet," says Eva Flyvholm. "It is important for us to support the right to demonstrate and display the Tibetan flag.

        Ah yes, let's bring back feudal-theocratic slave rule to Tibet???

  • muh tiny man2