ive been on e for a bit over 6 months now, which from what ive read is the earliest that people start with prog, idk how to determine if/when i should start with it and my doctor isnt very helpful since they only want to give scientifically backed advice, any ideas? if youre on prog, what was your experience like and when did you start and why?
I tried prog around 9 months in. It improved the shape of my breast growth, but not their size. They remained under developed. The biggest issue was my mood though. Prog gave me an emotional cycle, and I'd crash deep in to a pit of despair for 3 or 4 days a month, and then the next day it would just be gone and I'd be back to normal.
I stopped prog to get away from that.
Anecdotally though, most people who experience mood effects from prog say that it improved their mood.
My friend whose autistic special interest is reading medical research on transition said to wait a full year before starting progesterone because estrogen creates the breast structure and then the progesterone develops the existing structure. And if you don't give the estrogen time to build the structure first, the results won't be as good.
I started prog around 3 years ago, which would've been around 5 years on hormones. My breast growth had stagnated a bit and I wanted to try prog to see if it made a difference. It helped a lot with overcoming some of the depressive effects of my anti androgen. And with giving me a small bit more libido, which was and continuous to be very low. It also did help my breast growth, but to what extent exactly is hard to quantify.
To get prog I had to basically convince my doctor to let me try it, as it is not something readily prescribed in my area.
I had good growth in my first year. Kinda hit a plateau after. I'm using monotherapy. 2 years in, I added some prog (suppository, evening), 2weks on, 2 weeks of. But one package was seized :(, so I had to spread more, like 1 week on 3 weeks off.
Not much progress so far, although some tenderness, so some slow growth coming in, I guess🤷
Not many side-effects. Got slightly hornier, I think. Mood wise not much difference.
I tried it, maye ten years ago. I wanted more growth and maybe a bump to sex drive. I ultimately didn't stay with it long enough to see if those effects came. The effect on mood was pretty strong, particularly if I forgot a day and had to restart. I might be able to handle it now, but at the time it was too much.
i don't think i'll try again tho. Eventualy I did get the growth, and i'm just sort of ace now
Ive been on e for 6 years and prog for a number of months. I had read without prog you can experience weaker bones as you age in a study and wanted to try it. I cant really say if i feel better or worse from it emotionally but i think my breasts have gotten a little bigger. It's a naturally occuring hormone so i think it makes sense for hrt.
I started prog at 3 months. My doctor recommended it when I complained about having zero sex drive. I didn't notice any mood effects. Sex drive returned but in a very different flavor. Breast growth seemed to accelerate and then plateau again.
It's been about a year and I just started progesterone, and I know planned parenthood recommends at least 6 months, I just kinda put it off. It does help breast shape a lot! But basically just that