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  • And, next year, the first day of the Reddit blackout will be a massive cake day here in Kbin!

    • That whole week really.

      I know people who made accounts one or two days beforehand because they correctly predicted that the wave of signups would cause issues. And I know people who waited till after Reddit made it clear that they weren't going to be changing their plan.

  • I'm used to that. Been a veteran of Livejournal, Tumblr, Twitter, LibraryThing... I'm just sad I didn't get my Mastodon veteran badge.

    • 1 on the mastodon point. i remember hearing about it all those years ago and being a little skeptical, but then when i finally checked it out last year it was SO good. love that place.

      i saw a brilliant toot that perfectly captures how i feel about the fediverse: "I like a small indie coffee shop where the coffee is better and you can always find a seat, and it's not full of crying babies."

  • Important part is to get as many bug fixes and improvements done for the next wave, the API outage on the 1st of July.

    I'm keen to get through as many PRs as possible and get new tweaks and features out to improve the experience for all the new mates that are going to migrate over


  • Hopefully the comment box will be towards the top by the time new users become veterans! Loving the site though wasn't expecting this much activity on the threadiverse, especially on academic subs. Feels exciting to be a part of all this. Shame didn't join during the blackouts. Oh well better late than never!

  • Why should I care about this? Do I need to be called this for some type of street cred?