Looking at America spiraling down into racisme, hate, etc... as a non-american is like reading a Lovecraftian tale: starring into the abyss of contempt, chaos, and bigotry… it also makes me sad.
I mean, yeah America's rightward spiral is depressing, especially if you live there. But it's not exactly an American-exclusive phenomenon. Italy elected a far-right party, France might in their next Presidential election, and even Germany's far-right party is surging in the polls. Honestly, I'm struggling to think of a country that hasn't seen a massive rightward surge over the last few years.
In Australia we recently had a considerable shift towards progressive politics after a long ass run of conservative government. The centre right (moderate conservatives) were absolutely demolished in our last election in favour of progressive minor party candidates. Our centre 'left' party has certainly moved further to the right (this has been happening for a while now though) but they are having their asses handed to them by our progressive left party who is growing in popularity, especially with younger voters.
We are historically a very conservative country and I have no doubt we'll eventually trend back towards this tradition. But for now I'm enjoying being the exception to the rest of the world.
I just watched a video where a woman from Tennessee explained that every resident was required to get a new license plate that year, and that they had the choice between 2 standard options, the only difference being that one said "In God We Trust" and one didn't. Oh, and the ones that had "In God We Trust" had the numbers come first. So for example, every "Christian" license plate reads 123 ABC, and every "atheist" plate reads ABC 123.
There's other forces fucking with our politicians, both inside and out of the country. Our government politicians basically have a combination of ransomware and no soul.
There's a theory that societies experience 40 years of progress followed by 40 years of regression in an endless cycle. I hope the theory is wrong. I can't take decades of these idiots running things.
And it's happening in a lot of other countries - here in the UK the political culture is more right-wing than any time since at least the Second World War (and that's saying something.
It's Late Stage Capitalism: in order to continue business as usual in the face of all reason and evidence of its devastating effects, capitalists look to authoritarianism and fascism to ensure capitalism's continuation.
We've known about these things for a long time, but our public education system doesn't adequately teach people our history in most states (because the curriculum is controlled at the state level). I'm well read in history and I didn't learn about the Tulsa Massacre until my early 30's, reading a history book for my own personal enjoyment. That should have absolutely been part of the history curriculum I was taught about the history of civil rights in this country, but it wasn't.
Obama's presidency marked a major cultural shift, where things that people may have tolerated previously were (rightly) no longer acceptable. Trump's presidency marked an equal and opposite shift in the other direction, where people, looking at Trump's example, understood free speech to mean they could say whatever they wish without any form of accountability.
The easiest way to say it is that our country's relationship to race is complicated.
This is the document that neo-cons presented publicly before perpetrating the events of 9/11.
It illustrates faking an attack on the homeland to scare the American people into giving up freedoms and backing a blank check to the military to attack a variety of targets. The original printed document had a picture of the twin towers with a plane flying at them with crosshairs over them. Conveniently cant find that image anymore, like I cant find 90% of the footage of the 9/11 attacks that I studied right after the event.
Ever wonder why we were told that Bin Laden was the target, Bin Laden was in Afghanistan, but we invaded Iraq? All explained in this document. He was a protected fall guy, and we weren't retaliating to 9/11, 9/11 was simply used as an excuse to attack predetermined targets.
Since then it has been a slow burn, and we now officially have voters who weren't born, never saw the world before 9/11, and don't know any better than to blindly believe the people who plunged this country into its current condition.
Please, stop spreading this misinformation and conspiracy theory garbage.
As someone who has lived though the events of 9/11; I can assure you that they reported that Osama Bin Laden and his followers did in fact flee to Iraq.