How much, with what budget and for what use? Something as simple as a seedbox could suffice in some cases, otherwise maybe look at Hetzner's storage options.
OneDrive family. It gives you 1 TB per account. You can add up to 5 members and they don't give a fuck about pirated content. I've been using them for the last 2 years without any encryption and I've had no problems.
No matter what you choose, encrypt the data you store to avoid drama.
You could take a look at wasabi. Keep in mind that I think they have minimum commit. So if you add 1tb of data, you are charged for storing it a minimum of a few months.
Backblaze b2 and cloudflare r2 are also options.
Google drive is also a decent storage platform at a reasonable price. 9.99/mo for 2tb. You can check the rclone matrix for features and alternatives.
If it's a static amount of data you could look into glacier. I'm not sure what the exact retrieval costs would be but maybe they're lower than renting 4TB of space elsewhere.
Best I've seen so far is 16TB for 30 bucks on Mega. Don't know how okay they are with piracy however, I've seen a few DMCA'd links from it in the past. The privacy friendly (and cheap) option is DIY with Ceph. Managing 100s of petabytes across multiple clusters with it and it's (mostly) smooth sailing.
No way to tell as it depends on all kinds of factors, like workload and IO requirements. For example you could spin up a very cheap spinning rust Ceph cluster for archival use cases or you could have a very fast NVMe/PMEM cluster for compute workloads.
I am managing all kinds of installations.
And before somebody ask no, not piracy related lmao.
(Replying with my lemmy account as my other account apparently isn’t federating with
Basically it allows you to buy or rent your own physical servers and then use the free and open source software Ceph to setup your own cloud storage on top of them.
Depending on the scale you need, it's much cheaper than cloud storage providers, but obviously comes with the caveat that you need to manage everything yourself., all is encrypted, will let you keep pirated games, etc. unless you share it to someone and someone reports it, then they are legally obligated to remove it
I don’t really think they will care about the data you put on there (you can encrypt it with restic) unless you‘re directly distributing pirated content via S3.
That's kind of a fun idea, but seems like a ton of effort. As long as the data is just encrypted it could be stored anywhere without risk of being deleted and that would be way easier.