Almost half of parents have ‘no idea’ how people raised children before smartphones were invented. A poll of 1,000 mums and dads with children aged up to six revealed 61 per cent claim their device…
KID YOU NOT Half of parents have no idea how to raise their kids without a smartphone, study finds::Almost half of parents (43 per cent) have ‘no idea’ how people raised children before smartphones were invented.A poll of 1,000 mums and dads with
No-one doubts there's an important question to be had about screen-time with kids, but this clickbait shit from the S*n is not a meaningful contribution.
What is this propaganda? Idk about anyone else's kids but mine do not want to be on their ipads all day. They want to fuck shit up in real life and then wind down on learning games. You sit with them, and choose the good dialog options like its KOTOR its not hard.
When I was a kid in the 00s, my friends and I rode our bikes all over the place. Our parents didn't know where we were, and unless they wanted to go out searching or calling people, they didn't have any way of knowing. None of us had cell phones.
Now, people are too scared to let their kids out of their sight for too long, or they might have a neighbor that can't mind their own business and call CPS over it.
Having been a child in the 1980s and similarly going anywhere and everywhere, I think back on several situations I was not protected in and should have been. A phone would have helped. That's the conservative " I drank out of the garden house and survived" mindset, in the 1980s me and many of my friends were sexually abused in a casual fashion because of lack of parenting and other adults having unfettered access to us because our parents had no particular concern of where we were. We were just told we were dirty or bad for it and it was never brought up again. A lackadaisical mindset does not good parenting make.
Parents take pictures of their kids thanks to new technology that makes pictures nearly free to take. Parents use limitless access to information to help make smart decisions while raising children. No shit.
Wtf kind of “news” article and anger baiting headline is this?
Right? The comments show people didn't read it. Of course people use it to look up questions, text other parents for advice and take pictures with smartphones. It very minimally talked about just straight handing the device off or streaming.
That is such a fantastic example of a Sun headline. “Half of parents have no idea how to raise kids without a smartphone” != “half of parents have no idea how people raised children before smartphones were invented”.
It’s almost like the sun will print any old sensationalist bullshit
YOU COULDNT MAKE IT UP (except when you do)
So what? In the past people had books and magazines
Before that people asked relatives or their parents
It's just a different method of passing on the knowledge. Nothing changed with smartphones - just a different way to exchange information that can't appear in your head by itself