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[MacOS] What do you think?

Changed up some stuff, trying my best to match my terminal theme with the wallpaper

  • I genuinely mean no offense, but what did you rice? I don't use MacOS much so I find it hard to actually see what is changed from standard MacOS.

  • Details:

    • OS: macOS Ventura 13.5.1
    • Shell: zsh 5.9
    • DE: Aqua
    • WM: Quartz Compositor
    • WM Theme: Multicolor (Dark)
    • Terminal: iTerm 3.4.20
    • Terminal Font: FiraCodeNFM-Ret (14pt)
    • Terminal Theme: MonaLisa
  • very nice.

    fya - for raw FPS, kitty > iTerm > MacOS Terminal. Unsure why MacOS Terminal sucks so bad.

  • That looks really nice I'm loving it! Does the theming work with all mac programs?

    • it's only the terminal. The windows do get slightly tinted to the wallpaper's colour if enabled in the settings.