I hadn't experienced hexbear (literally) shitting up the place yet, has a way to block entire instances been implemented or do I gotta find a new one that isn't federated with them?
I can tune out tankie nonsense (not accusing everyone at hexbear of being tankies, but you guys sure do hang out with a lot of them) pretty easily, it's the 20 full pages of literal pig shit I'm talking about
Hopefully they fix the emoji bug soon (or whenever they want to get around to it honestly), I find it hilarious but I can most definitely feel for those caught in the cross-fire.
My personal definition would be "authoritarian communist (or """communist""") regime supporters/apologists". I think a good litmus test is, if the topic of the Tiananmen Square massacre comes up, and their first input is "Ok, but, how many zeroes did the number of dead civilians really have", they're probably too far gone to bother engaging much with
Too many anarchist/commune types consider the authoritarians to be their allies because they also hate the capitalists, right up until the point they're next on the list of undesirables destined for the wall
Ok so a tankie is anyone who questions the baseless assertions of western regimes, the truth isn't actaully important to you, what matters is whether someone upholds obvious falsehoods and reinforces state propaganda but from the west
I didn't call anyone a tankie, a whole bunch of people from hexbear sure did show up feeling incredibly offended by my description of tankies though, if they want to out themselves like that, that's on them
You talk about having reading comprehension like it's the ultimate skill in understanding yet you're talking about re-education camps as if they're an existing thing for that matter. You should get some media literacy skills before you go around acting smug about knowing how the world works
You realize that even in the wildest fantasies of Xi Jinping's biggest fans, every single Western capitalist country is generations away from revolution? We can do left unity because 0.000% of communism or anarchism have been built, and the early stages of building either involve the same goals: getting workers to stand in solidarity with each other instead of fighting over petty trivial nonsense like "tankies" online. There is literally 0 harm that so called "authoritarians" pose to other leftists, in fact the same leftists who clutch their pearls over "tankies" tend to be the ones defending imperialism and the imposition of western economic hegemony on the imperial periphery (as long as they get healthcare!). What is more authoritarian and useful-idiot-esque than that?
Idk I don't think that's a very useful or accurate way to look at things. I do a lot of organizing and mutual aid alongside leftists of all types, (as well as liberals).
Because that will tell you the answer is 1. One zero. Because the number of dead civilians in the Tiananmen Square Massacre is zero. No civilian deaths there. Nada. Read the wiki page, it will tell you no deaths. This information brought to you by such Commies as:
the US Government,
the Washington Post correspondent (who was there all night),
the CBS correspondent (same),
and more!
Were there a limited number of deaths in protests elsewhere that wasn't Tiananmen? Yep, about 2-3 hundred across a few hundred cities. And that's bad! But is also pretty dang small relative to the protest size, and happens in all major protests in all countries everywhere.
Sorry I forgot to add "Ok but, were they really inside the square, or just near it?"
Spending the first 7/8ths of your comment dancing around the main issue (at a minimum hundreds, thankfully you at least have to admit to that since those are the official Chinese numbers, potentially thousands, of civilian protestors being killed by the Chinese military), laser focusing on some minor detail like it's a great big gotcha, then brushing the whole thing off at the end with "Yep it's bad, but it happens shrug" is exactly what I'm talking about
I guess I should at least thank you for so deftly illustrating my point though
A few hundred cities across the country is not "near it"
Something like half of the dead were cops or military. You should do some reading about where the weapons that killed them came from. Interesting stuff!
This is and has always been a red herring. It's irrelevant if people were killed in the square or in the streets around the square. People were killed in Beijing by the Chinese military in order to suppress the protests. End of story.
Well, A massive, purposeful, misinformation campaign by the western governments and news sites that had claimed that there were no deaths in the square in the past and then changed their narrative all of a sudden, would, to me, suggest that these entities might also be misreprenting or lying about the other events. The story obviously does not end there.
Yes, Western media can definitely not be trusted. Better to get the real story from the secretive, authoritarian government that heavily suppresses speech and directly controls its major media outlets.
Dang I hate secretive governments, can you direct me to a western government that exposes all of its internal communications and doesn't have a huge amount of "former" state agents in major media publications?
edit: folks, I have had my weekend water on a Monday
You're right, there isn't a single Western country that has a freer press than China. In fact, China may be the world's last bastion of open information and free speech.
My personal definition would be "authoritarian communist (or """communist""") regime supporters/apologists".
What does this actually mean? Is Nelson Mandela a "tankie" to you? You might think I'm being facetious, but I'm serious. I'll link some photographs and quotes from Mandela that a lot of the capitalists in charge want you to forget:
"I read works by and about Che Guevara, Mao Tse-tung, Fidel Castro. In Edgar Snow’s brilliant Red Star Over China I saw that it was Mao’s determination and non-traditional thinking that had led him to victory."
“The revolution in China was a masterpiece, a real masterpiece. If you read how they fought that revolution, you believe in the impossible. It’s just miraculous.”
"From its earliest days, the Cuban Revolution has also been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people. We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of the vicious imperialist-orchestrated campaign to destroy the impressive gain made in the Cuban Revolution."
"Within that international support for our struggle the Soviet Union and other socialist countries stood out. The governments and peoples of the socialist bloc gave material, moral and political support to our struggle in a manner and on a scale that we will never be able to repay."
So again, does this make Nelson Mandela a "tankie"? If so, what does it say about "tankies " and the west, in that the so called "tankies" supported Mandela in the fight against apartheid, while the west did not. In fact, the west often supported apartheid. Even Antony Blinken admitted to that recently.
"The Soviet Union was supportive of the freedom forces in South Africa, and of course unfortunately, more than unfortunately, the United States was much too sympathetic to the apartheid regime, so that history also doesn’t get erased, you know, overnight, it's a process," Blinken said.
The tianamen square protests were no actual witnesses saw anything happen and we're every alleged eyewitness have been proben to have lied? That.protest? The protest where "people were mushed up" but all fotos of the square show no such bodies (except for police officers that had been lynched by the protesters)? That protest?
The protest were the most famous video is of a guy blocking tanks who is then peacefully escorted away? https://streamable.com/unjnw9
Libs act like they live in a gulag archipelago, they're so worried about what "muh tankies" will do, despite the fact that they're all in the same picket line and a cop is gonna shoot them before they ever get close to any situation where such a philosophical disagreement would matter
Tankie nonsense is when you challenge obvious incorrect statements with proven facts and material reality, and the more lies you challenge the more Tankie you are.
Define Tankie without using Wikipedia or the word "authoritarian". (Tankies were people that supported the USSR intervention in Hungary in the 70's, being left-wing isn't being a Tankie)
Lemmy.world is the largest instance that defedded with us, so might be worth switching if you don’t want to wait for the instance blocking feature to come out.
We’ve also defedded from Lemmy.ca and blahaj, but I wouldn’t join those ones. If you’re Canadian, maybe Lemmy.ca is better than world? I don’t know a lot about blahaj, but it doesn’t seem like a space I’d want to be in seeing how recent interactions went.
Well, actually, I don't see literal 'shit' here. I see comical pixel recreation of faecal matter however one cannot equate that directly to the aforementioned faecal matter ipso facto. Please give me your postal address so I can enclose some literal shit in an envelope and mail it to you forthwith.
Yeah I was using lemm.ee but the hexbear spam in the threads was ridiculous. They were swarming the meta thread discussing defederating them too, and it seemed like the instance admin was determined to keep federating with them. Went on the hunt to join a popular instance that doesn't federate with them. There's a few out there that do block the annoying authoritarian/boot-licking trifecta of lemmygrad, explodingheads, and hexbear. Sopuli.xyz was the one I ended up joining.
On Lemmy itself it hasn't been implemented, though there is an issue related to it on their github. There are clients that do it but it's client-side only at the moment.
Next update will allow you to personally defederate with them even if your instance hasn't. If you'd like. You can also very easily migrate to a new instance, if you'd prefer thaf route.