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  • "wealth for many" yeah but not the majority, and oh whoops what happened to the rest? Oh boy would you look at that they're all destitute because capital needs a reserve army of labour in order to function.

    Oh whoops would you look at that the market has a tendency to create a monopoly, that's weird.

    Oh wait would you look at that the regulations are ineffective because the capitalists hold outsized influence in literally every capitalist "democracy" due to them holding the means of production, them having more resources available, which then gives them more time and ability to influence elections. Oh whoops media is a market and media shapes perception how did that happen?

    Corruption isn't a bug, it's a feature.

    Reality has a Marxist bias

  • uncorrupt government

    I think you meant "free real estate for the CIA and their a puppet dictators".

    It's what happens every time another country doesn't want to sell their natural resources for pennies.

  • wealth for many

    How many, exactly?

    middle class

    You mean like the big beautiful boaters

    talks fondly about? Or the landlords that don't generate any actual value but get rich by literally leeching off of others (who largely do actual work that generates actual value?)

  • Markets don't "create wealth". People's work creates wealth. Banks don't create wealth, they create debt and allow more money to go into circulation than actually exists.

    Regulation isn't only desired, it's crucial for any market economy to work, lest they devolve into corrupt, abusive monopolies and oligopolies. Granted, bad regulation can be equally abusive and real cases are plentiful.

    Just as important as regulation is taxing who has more money, because generating wealth won't automagically distribute it in any ideal manner. The worst problem nowadays is just how easy it is for rich assholes to legally evade taxes no matter which country they're from.

  • There is not such thing as middle class, pure sophistic. There are only 2 classes, proletariat and bourgeoisie.

  • Libs talking about stuff they obviously don't understand? Check.

    An incredibly high number of comments politely explaining things? Check.

    Libs being snarky and then being surprised when they get the same uncivil attitude right back? Check.

    Uh yeah it's hexbear time

  • Meme aside, addressing the title, no shit Sherlock,

    Lemmy was created by a Marxist Leninist, nicknamed "Dessalines", after a revolutionary Haitian leader who even went so far as to slaughter the remaining French colonists, to destroy any remnants of colonialism

    If you're reading this, search up his Github account and you will find upon many essays on Socialism...

  • Lemmy has had a huge bias towards seize-the-means-of-production socialism from day 1, which is very important in understanding why it's different from other reddit clones, and why it has unique features and anti-features. The political orientation is not incidental, it's vital, and I'm glad to see it hasn't completely died from the sudden influx of reddit-natives when the API thing happened.

  • Me saying a market regulated by an uncorrupt government can generate wealth for many and generate a middle class.

    Okay I know people might hate me for saying this, but isn't this just modern day China? Think about it:

    • While the government is definitely not uncorrupt and has many problems with corruption, Xi has introduced many corruption purges, and billionaires in China have actually faced legal consequences up to the death penalty. When is the last time a billionaire in the west actually faced legal consequences? (Just to be clear I am not pro death penalty, just illustrating a point).
    • China introduced markets with Deng and they are regulated by the government. Though this one is controversial among the left (quite a few Maoists think China could have achieved the same or even better results without the introduction of markets to the point it was done in the 80s and 90s).
    • China has generated wealth for many to the point they likely have the largest middle class on the planet in terms of sheer numbers, and in quality of life indicators such as average life expectancy, China has overtaken the US. They also achieved the largest poverty alleviation campaign in modern history.

    This is not to say that China is a perfect country with a spotless human rights record or anything like that, it's to say that we can learn from what they've achieved and take our blinders off. And it's pretty ironic that your meme lines up with that in certain aspects.

  • I just really dislike the whole left/right tribalism. Politics is a lot more complex than left/right and just marking someone as either just increases polarisation...