Descent taught me how to fly using the numpad. I think I had A as thrust, Z as reverse, 8/2 as pitch, 4/6 as yaw, 7/9 as roll, 1/3 as horizontal strafe, and +/- as vertical.
Descent also taught me how to use dial up for multiplayer.
One of those games I owned a demo of, but was never able to control properly. But, boy, was it cool! As a kid I messed around with it, but didn’t see more than one or two levels.
I still think about it from time to time, that’s the lasting impression it had on me. I never imagined, there would be an update or remake!
I don't get it. Why bother with such poor quality textures? D1 was my favorite of the series, but I feel like the d1x project probably did more for the appearance boost (been a while since I played it though!)
Sometimes I'd hear people talk about other games with Descent in the title (I think it was Descent: Freespace?) I'd think "Wait ... that's not the Descent I know of"
This was such a unique game. It was like a merge of a tight corridor first person shooter and a space combat simulator where there is no "up". I haven't seen anything like it since.