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  • bought a little 12" ooni fyra the other day and gave it a kick in the guts last night. pumped out a margherita and a pepperoni pie. each pie took a little over a minute to cook.

    i think i focused a little too much on getting a high temp, something difficult to do with my other pizza cooking options. first one came out with a bottom that was burnt evenly across the whole bottom (though the carbon layer was very thin), the second one i dropped the temp of the stone about 50c and it came out much better, but i probably need to drop it a little more, and let the pies cook for a little longer. the dough was fully cooked, but some of the toppings (like buffalo mozzarella chunks) didn't have time to melt fully. the pepperoni did cup though.

    i think i also need to blend my pizza sauce (usually i like it chunky) but on a small 12" pie cooked super fast it can lead to a bit of unevenness, and makes it harder to get the sauce much closer to the edges which i also need to do (with the cheese too), as large rising edge crust caused the ingredients to shift towards the middle.

    after 2 pies we were full (puppers also got a slice each, and the cats got some pepperoni), but i reckon next weekend i will do much better. still, they were fucking delicious and pretty damned good for a first poke. apologies for unappealing torch-lit pizza pic, gets dark early these atm.

    the machine itself is pretty easy to operate, just runs on hardwood pellets, though it can only store about 15 mins of pellets at a time, so you need to keep topping it up. getting pizzas into and out of the small aperture is pretty easy too. seems like a pretty good contraption, and i reckon it wont be long before i have a technique down to pump out ripper pizzas.

  • The dude who runs the dodgy laundromat I'm in paid for my machine because I'm wearing a Raiders cap and he is too. He doesn't know I just wear the hats because I like them, I don't follow NFL at all.

    • do you have a plan if he asks you any questions about sportsball? just abandon your washing and scram?

      • "Did you see that ludicrous display last night? What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early? The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in!"

  • Finally after 26hrs I can now take myself to bed and sleep, I think I can taste sounds at the moment.

  • Ha. Posted that "Awful Aspects of Spring" Leunig cartoon to the Book of Faces because I found a copy of it during Operation Sort Shit and it seems to have gone down like a lead balloon.
    Dear me.

    • he's no longer the darling of the virtue signalling upper middle classes , eh

      it's like they never took any real notice of his cartoons at all , if there is one thing he hates it's them

    • Please post here. I'm optimistic.

      • Sorry it came out tiny! Caption is "Awful aspects of spring: the new dog digs up the old dog."

  • Really hoping the local woolies has sweet potat noodles (the glassy type).

    I had a dream about japchae last night. Specifically it was an intimate macro close up sesame seeds.

    I know I'm going to be disappointed. One didn't just dream, I really did so plz universe I need that japachae.

  • Phones were dying so I decided to nip home from the hospital, only once I get back the nurse tells me I'm not allowed back in until 7am even though I literally left for 15 minutes... The poor housemates alone in hospital now and I feel like the biggest tit for leaving them there. Last time I went, I swear they let people in and out pretty frequently for the short stay ward because it's one of the weird in between places of the hospital.

  • I don't know what it is, but like man I hate going to work. I would rather be home.

    But once I get to work I get into the grove of things and enjoy my time. Of course once it's 5pm I am off the clock, but it's just kind of weird.

    Could help that I can listen to podcasts and such. At the moment I'm trying to get up to date with Critical Role (and by up to date I mean, I have 48 episodes to go).

  • The person I was going to mentor today is away, so if it is not busy I have unexpected bonus time I will be able to study. Which right now means looking through lots of pictures of houses so is pretty fun. Monday's turning out to be not so bad after all.

  • No wonder the cats didn't join me last night - I forgot to turn the heater off. Oops.

  • Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🥪🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥫🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙🥠🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋

  • Had one of those I wasn't even supposed to be here today kind of mornings. I don't normally work Mondays. One colleague told me they were running late, but were actually at a different workplace. Poor other colleague was late because he got bailed up for money by some junkies in the city. I'm not sure if he was hurt as he has only been in Australia a couple of months so there's a language barrier, but he was shaken up pretty bad. I'll meet him at his city landing point next time we work together to see where he's walking, he may very easily be able to avoid the scummy parts of the city like I do. But yeah, standing around in one of our windy laneways for 45 minutes with an almost dead phone gave me a case of the Mondays.

  • Image of a bowl of tubular spaghetti, yes you read correctly with the finest selection of mushrooms hand picked from my backyard. Topped with a sliver of finger skin (I swear it was only a little bit. Promise) with fresh garlic.

    When one isa eating ze pasta one must speaka Italiano though ze entirety of ze meal no.

    • Tubular spaghetti is a fucking scam. Ain't no way the sauce is getting all up that tube to make more flavour. Big pasta is just pinching pennies

      • If you cook it until it's about 85% cooked, then finish the cooking in a gently simmering sauce, you should indeed have sauce up your tube.. er, so to speak. Sauce source: me, who makes bucatini for work every so often. It's actually my favourite long pasta, but not everyone likes the same things :)

      • I agree. There was no regular spag so I was forced to buy this one.

    • Totally Tubular. Love it.

    • I used like trying to suck up air through tubular speghetti. Especially if there was soup but it couldn’t really be done.

      My brother used to tell me that tubular speghetti gave him stomach aches, despite being able to eat thick and thin speghetti of all sorts.

      Felt like one big lie since they’re pretty much all the same.

      • Maybe tubular spaghetti has more air in it and/or the texture would cause him to swallow more air, that can cause stomach cramping...

  • Whoops, it's 12:42am and I have yet to shower.

    I like late night showers. But I should stop going through my bookmarks and getting rid of things I've already bought or are sold out/not found. But I'm very tempted to spend $97.50 on a journal/diary, but I'm scared to spend that much money. But I miss having a physical journal, I used to bullet journal a lot but decided to go digital post-2020 and yeah I wasted money because I hardly used it. Might have to think about it whether I need a journal or an SSD card.

    Edit: Ooo I could AfterPay it... it seems to be a very popular planner, so I don't want it sold out. Decisions decisions.

    • That is a lot of money for a very small journal. That can only be used for one year.

      I find I can't do things like journaling if it is an expensive book, I feel like I need to make my words important and meaningfull to match, I can't just put down feelings and ideas as they flow. For me, cheap books or recycled paper are the go to. And depending on what it is I like to use pencil because I know I can change things so I'm not scared to start and do it wrong. Trying to use expensive fancy stationery is like playing dress-ups as a fantasy self I imagine myself to be, and is the antithesis of the sort of self-reflection and openness effective journalling really needs.

      If you do decide you want to buy it though there is a 10% discount if you sign up for their newletter (down the bottom of the page if it doesn't come up in a pop-up for you) so that helps a little bit.

      • That is understandable. But I've kept past journals that I'll sometimes look through. But I totally understand about the whole "expensive fancy stationery feeling like dress up".

    • Oh a new site to buy Midori products from! I swear if I go to Japan im just coming back with a bag full of stationery.

      • I've bought from this place before when I was really into the studyblr/studygram communities (study + Tumblr and study + Instagram). But since 2020 I haven't needed to buy stuff from there anymore. Now that I have an important job and digital journals aren't just cutting it, I might have to look at investing in a journal.

        Maybe I'll give it a week to see if I'm still interested in it or if it's just a hyperfixation (could be both lbr).

  • Finding an episode of The Powerpuff Girls to watch on YouTube was absolutely the best thing I did.

  • I’m invisible

    Am, an eraser of love, am, an eraser of love Am, an eraser of love, am, an eraser of love Am, an eraser of love, am, an eraser of love Am, an eraser of love, am, an eraser of love Am, an eraser of love, am, an eraser of love Am, an eraser of love, am, an eraser of love Am, an eraser of love, am, an eraser of love

  • I know my issue is that I'm watching YouTube Shorts. But like, it is WILD that I can get slime shorts, funny shots from like British panel shows, maybe the odd gaming video. And then straight up Margeret Thatcher "DESTROYING LEFTIST IDEOLOGY!" and then a cute cat. But I guess that's the Internet but it's just... wild, absolutely wild.

  • I bought these supplement tablets that are supposed to help with sleeping. I’ve been going through an insomnia phase lately. Never taken anything to help with sleep before. I’m sceptical but giving them a shot. What works for others?

  • godamm vpn/redit won't work, also, fuck captcha , plus som of my kys ar flaky 🤨