I have been trying to avoid Reddit. However, I still often end up being forced to click on a link to a post while searching for something specific. It is a hassle to manually change the link to libreddit or teddit everytime.
For my own purposes, I wrote a userscript to redirect any Reddit link automatically to Libreddit. Since, I thought I should post it here since someone could find it useful, and many of you prefer using Teddit, I also made a Teddit version. You should install only one.
Just a note. Most libredditbinstancea will be shutting down as well. It's being modified to allow for you to add your own API key, but many large instances aren't going to be afford to continue running with the API changes.
Yeah. This was also a learning exercise for me. Libreddit and Teddit devs seem to be thinking of switching to web scraping if nothing else works. Let's see how that goes.
For Firefox (don't know if it's on Chrome/Chromium) there's also the LibRedirect Addon which can also do YouTube, Tiktok, Imgur, Quora, and a bunch more to help protect your privacy and eyeballs.
Add also randomization of the instance, in case the main one is down and for privacy. There's already libredirect addon which does that, but still cool.
@LemmyStartNow I loaded violentmonkey edge addon and copy pasted the script in the add (teddit version) and it works. There is a bit a delay as it redirects. But I'll take the delay over using "dead"it. now just to figure how to automate it from ios safari....
Side note: I added UserScipt extension on Safari on my Mac and IOS and copied the script in on it's editer and it works there too. iOS does have a slight delay at the moment before it goes landing on what looks like a Reddit error page. I'm thinking it's where it is attempting to hit the script as it first loads to promote their app. Still works so woot!
I have updated both the scripts. They will now redirect to a random instance than relying on just one. The script will also a button to the bottom right of the instances which will allow the user to reload the page they are on in a different instance (in case the one which was loaded has some issue).