Looks like a lot of IT types on Lemmy NZ by the discussion today (I'm one too). But I've had enough of that in my lifetime, so, another gardening topic:
I've been growing some Asparagus from seed over winter in our sun room and have just got them into the ground. They take a while to establish, so I probably won't start picking them until after next winter.
Really easy to grow from seed, just have to wait a bit longer. These have gone into a no dig bed with pretty rough compost, but by the time they establish it will have rotted down well. I'll try to collect some seaweed sometime during summer and add that as well, which is recommended for Asparagus beds.
Netting to keep those hard-working blackbirds from moving the garden bed to somewhere I don't want it.
Blackbirds are my nemesis every Spring. Digging up newly composted beds and destroying seedlings in the process sometimes 😡 Also eating all our berries!
They are lucky I need them to pollinate my feijoa hedge otherwise I would try to eradicate them
Yep. We struggled for a year or two trying to keep them of gardens. Just use netting now, and don't have problems. Occasionally "catch" a cheeky sparrow that finds a gap somewhere, but they don't do any harm. When plants are big enough we take off the netting so the birds can have at the bugs. Mostly works for us.
Now I do remember once I had netted my black berries and a blackbird got itself all tangled and ended up strangling itself. Took ages to get it out. I've kind of just given up on stopping them from getting the berries. Just aim to grow enough for both them and us.
I'm trialling a pest netting this spring because the birds destroyed all my seedlings last year. Its supposed to keep bugs out as well - so will be interesting to see how it goes. Of course i'm waiting for the frosts to stop so I can't start putting something in the ground without risk of it dying!
I should really do it too. I keep thinking of doing it every year but then I forget about it. Another reason is I avoid growing brassicas most of the warm season due to white butterfly, so if I actually do it I can get some nice looking brassicas.
Where do you get your BT from? I've heard of it before, but I feel for a small area preventing them laying eggs in the first place is easier than having to spray when new caterpillar's emerge. IIRC it doesn't do anything until they are already hatched and eating the plant right?
I bought 1kg a couple of years ago, which will last me the rest of my life as long as it doesn't go off - I store it in a cool, dark, dry place. Have only used 20 - 30 grams in the last 3 years.
When I bought it, it was called Bactur Organic from SprayShop. It looks like that has been discontinued and replaced with Genius BT.
This was the most economical way to buy it for me at the time. It has gone up considerably by the looks. If you've got friends who garden, you could share it around to spread the cost - it goes a long way.
I think there is another more generic brand that sells it, but I can't remember what it's called, and they sell very small quantities for the price.
IIRC => Yep, BT produces a protein that blocks the digestive system of the insect/caterpillar, effectively starving it - we don't see any meaningful loss at all. It is not supposed to harm other beneficial insects, and that appears to be true - we don't spray it on bees, but haven't seen any dead bees or reduced bee numbers with its use.
Ah thanks at least there's a place to get it. I have seen small sachets of it sold in M10/Bunnings before, but the price for the small amount wasn't worth it.
I might consider getting the GeniusBT later on in Spring, just to give it a try :)