Not as bad as my preganant brain. Was checking in to my hotel in Kelantan yesterday. Someone came and tegur me, looks super familiar, but I cannot put my finger on who this is. My brain immediately assumed, must be company staff who works in Kelantan, who I must have met back in January at our company retreat! Ofc I don’t remember him, I met so many people there from all over Malaysia. I can be excused.
Turns out he’s one of our vendors that I actually worked directly with only in July. Severely apologized after, but aiyah so embarrassing
Researching for !, I have histories of places I have in mind but there's barely any articles online that focuses on the history. my choices are either travelogs or primary sources - chapters of books from British orientalists written 100 years ago.
Just bought a replacement for my seven year old laptop, it serve me well but getting too old to continue for my current needs. Hopefully the new laptop will serve me as well.
How are you guys? Now thinking to grab a brunch soon.
For god's sake. My friend/housemate. Good guy. Probably the first rich good person I'm close with But you can't lend anything to this guy. He just forgets about it and lost it . And now I have to live through the whole semester break without my powerbank.
Probably the first rich good person I’m close with But you can’t lend anything to this guy. He just forgets about it and lost it .
And that's a valuable lesson that you're lucky to have encountered so early. These kind of rich ppl? They are also assholes. They're so cincai because they never have to worry, but also because they know, even if they can't articulate it, adat/politeness means ppl are unlikely to ever demand something like this, because malu/segan. Always ask back for what you're due - he's probably going to kutuk you (in that careless cincai rich guy way and he probably "didn't mean it that way") behind your back, but fuck that shit, and fuck that man.