"I actually believe Cyberpunk on launch was way better than it was received, and even the first reviews were positive," he concludes. "Then it became a cool thing not to like it.
How are you planning to fix your image when you're still saying shit like this?
I don't think he's completely wrong. A lot of people felt similarly. I know SkillUp felt similarly that if you had a really good PC and could overlook the (unforgiveable, admittedly) bugs, it had a lot going for it.
I knew almost nothing about the game and went into it completely without assumptions or preconceptions. I played it immediately at launch on XBone and didn’t stop for a few hundred hours of total game time. I was completely blown away.
Did it crash here and there? Was it lurchy and buggy? Did bikes sometimes get stuck in the pavement like it was sand? Did you wind up smashing an unconscious person’s head through the earth a la “Rock Bottom” every 4 or 5 times you tried to be sneaky? Yeah.
Despite that, was it one of the greatest games I’ve ever played? Fuck yeah.
People had genuine problems and a game should never launch in the state that CP77 was in, but I completely agree with him that it became cool to rip on the game.
Don't get me wrong, it was a few hours of fun for me and I got to enjoy the storyline. but then, nothing. the content came to an abrupt halt, no reason to keep going. not even a hundredth of the content of the Witcher.
ngl I had flashbacks to watch dogs 1. it was a great game with a great concept, but it had a dead stop and then it just ended. and just like watch dogs 1, everyone was hating on it.
yeah sure, some ppl jumped on the hate because it was popular, but let's not distract from the fact that both of those games felt like someone snake oiled their way into a release with a half finished game, and that's bad.
To an extent he isn't wrong. Shitting on cyberpunk was very viral right after the game launch. I watched so many damn videos of all the ridiculous bugs in game. They were legit game breaking and outright laughable how bad they were, which is why it went viral. Still though, it doesn't excuse their poor launch, and it doesn't look good when they try to deflect their issues back on the players..
I played through without issue my first play through. I did notice that the police spawn-in system was funky and I discovered how to get rich by crafting cans into things so I was really rich. I had maybe a few weird physics bugs but overall the experience was great. I had a pretty high-end PC at the time so that likely helped.
A friend of mine played through it on the PS4 and he had a lot more bugs and performance issues but he liked the game overall.
I didn't watch all of the hype leading up to it, or all of the videos that they released promising features and so I can understand how people would feel let down. I went into it 100% blind, I saw the release advertisements, I love the Cyberpunk genre and the reviews were not terrible (bugs, performance issues, etc). So I played it exactly as it was, and it wasn't bad.
I am super excited for Phantom Liberty. The updated systems all sound really fun and I have a machine that can pull off ray tracing at decent framerates so I'm going to try a playthrough like that.
Am I the only one who thinks CDPR gets too much hate anymore? They released three great Witcher games, championed DRM Free gaming, and launched a platform to buy old and new games that are also DRM free.They had one bad game that was rushed to market (like everything released by EA, Bethesda and Ubisoft) and all the sudden they are the worst publishers around. They even tried to delay Cyberpunk as long as they could, but rabid fans and online petitions basically demanded a release.
DRM-free is great, but GOG Galaxy isn't available on Linux? Why? I'm not expecting Steam-level of support, but at least let me manage my Linux-native games
Cyberpunk's issue wasn't the late release, but the really misleading marketing; they claimed to have a ton of stuff they didn't, and fairly good roasted for it
Hitman online only - seriously? From the same company that championed DRM-free?
If Galaxy worked on Linux (my primary gaming platform), I'd but a lot of games from them. If it worked on Steam Deck seamlessly, I'd probably but most of my games from them.
Nah, that was just the cherry on top for me. GOG also refuses to support Linux with their client, delisted a Taiwanese game due to Chinese government pressure, have hedged REALLY close to DRM content like with Hitman...
The cyberpunk 2077 was just another case if acting in bad faith. CD projekt red acts in bad faith. Till they change that, I am sticking with steam
I mean the Cyberpunk launch was way worse than "everything released by EA, Bethesda and Ubisoft". The last-gen versions were such a colossal fuckup, I don't think I've seen games run worse at launch since maybe Assassin's Creed Unity(?). I still think CDPR is still a phenomenal studio with great developers, BUT the management of the studio (or at least the cyberpunk project) is clearly terrible. I believe that future CDPR games can be great but they'll need a couple stellar launches before I believe anything their marketing says again.
Having GOG without a Linux client while selling games with native Linux builds is a weird choice that makes me think CDPR is now more MBA-led than dev-led.
Played and loved the hell out of W3, bought CP77 without a second thought, got burned hard. I'm definitely gonna be hesitant in purchasing the next game.
I feel like it's kind of already repaired, I don't really hear people talking s*** about them since they've released so many updates that fixed cyberpunk.
The problem is: The die-hard CDPR fans pre-ordered the game (me included), then played through it despite the unfinished state and bugs (because we already waited a long time) and then never touched it again. So I read that they improved the game massively but I just never saw a reason to play through it again with so many other great games on my unfinished list...
Maybe a DLC could change that but I kinda made my peace with this game so I'm good.
I'm in pretty much the same boat. Mods were a great way to extend the games lifetime, but otherwise I never had any intentions to go back and play the other life paths. Now with the overhaul and the DLC I'll probably take another look.
The worse part is that first impressions are so important and it left such a bad taste in my mouth.
They can fix the relationship with their players by releasing a great free overhaul update like they say they will alongside the huge expansion DLC. I hope it's good, I'm definitely going to be doing another playthrough once it's live.
here's a real pro tip: don't send death threats to the devs about a game not coming out soon enough, then send more death threats when the game the developers said was not polished or ready is neither ready or polished.