Russia and India Are Racing to Put Landers on the Moon
Russia and India Are Racing to Put Landers on the Moon Russia and India Are Racing to Put Landers on the Moon
Robotic spacecraft from both countries are aiming to touch down on the moon’s southern hemisphere, as one’s space program waxes and the other wanes.

Robotic spacecraft from both countries are aiming to touch down on the moon’s southern hemisphere, as one’s space program waxes and the other wanes.
@MicroWave No Russia's is, essentially, a crasher!😂🤣
2 2 ReplyCookieJarObserver
Hope both fail, they don't deserve the publicity.
4 10 ReplyRogue Metahuman
India/ISRO is doing really well in space and they are part of the Artemis Accords.
5 1 Reply