Every language starts out as beautiful, then it becomes popular, a whole lot of new features get wedged into it, and everyone who's watched a 5 minute tutorial video starts coding in it.
I remember the days when Python, Java and even Perl were considered beautiful.
The third one is rust which has become a meme at this point. Programmers like it because it has almost as much performance as C but has a lot of safeguards preventing memory errors and vulnerabilities. I have no idea what the last one is tho
Looking at the Wikipedia article, it seems like it has some weird syntax choices. And even though it compiles to C code, I'm not convinced that it's as fast as C or Rust, since it has a garbage collector.
One big reason Nim never really caught on is because we've got lots of fast-ish languages with garbage collection (like Go, which sucks a lot of oxygen away from Nim IMO). Rust introduced a new concept to the mainstream that lets you program safely without a runtime hit for garbage collection.