Has anyone else found firefox absurdly slow on android?
I'm not talking about an extra 10-15sec, but easily 2-3 full minutes (I've sat here with a timer checking) to load pages, sometimes not loading them at all. Particularly with login pages, but even just homepages.
Dropbox, Cloudflare, Various companies forums, My bank, Google; each of these sites and more I've had firefox either not load at all, or take so long I've been able to copy the link into Chrome, do what I need there, then come back to Firefox still 'loading' a blank white page.
I just don't understand. I want to migrate away from Chrome and use Firefox, but it's been unusably slow when it even loads anything at all.
P.S. In the time I've taken to write this (~5min) plus the time to decide to post and find this community firefox has still not loaded my cloudflare dash... (typed in the address, waited a while, gave up and came here but left it open)
/edit: I should note I have ublock installed, but I get the same results with it disabled most of the time.
Should come with a warning as you don't immediately notice it right away, but then in the following weeks you compare the loading speed of Vivaldi (that has a similar built-in function) and Firefox and you will notice the lag
Who waits 2 min for a page to load. Sounds like aweful browsing experience. If it doesnt load in 10 sec, I wouldnt wait more.
Clear catch, cookies, wipe everything if nothing else helps
I wonder whether this could have anything to do with DNS lookups working different in Chrome. Assuming Chrome on mobile directly goes to google DNS too.
Or maybe FF also getting IPv6 records for your affected targets and there being some slow or bad connection there.
But personally I don't have much experience debugging such things on Android.
Seconding the idea that it sounds likely to be a DNS thing. Android Firefox is apparently capable of DNS over HTTP, but it's not immediately clear to me how to turn it off to see if that's the problem, unless you have access to about:config.
That phone was released March of 2021. Assuming you've had it since 2021, it's been 2 years. I think that's about how long phones last these days with planned obsolecence.
Why don't you try backing up the important stuff and factory resetting your phone? It might make your phone faster. Don't immediately restore, just download firefox and browse for a while before restoring. If the speed is significantly slower after restoring your data (and by "data" I mean including all the apps you want to download), you might have apps causing issues.
Edit: I'm using Fennec btw. It's a fork that's maintained by the same organization, Mozilla, but it's on F-Droid so there's probabaly less Google Play stuff on it. Not sure if that would be any different from the Google Play version, but it doesn't hurt to try.
Try disabling all add ons. I'm using firefox on all my devices, some of them pretty old mobiles and all work good. Some extensions like already mentioned dark reader are absolute perf killers.
I have experienced Firefox take a long time to load (a minute or more) the first page after it has been suspended or not used in a while. For instance, if I am in my chat app (weechat-android) and I click a link to open it in Firefox, it may take a minute or more to load. However, after that initial load, it is mostly OK and behaves normally.
It's annoying and sucks... but I can live with it.
I get this problem too! But I never thought it was Firefox. That could definitely be the culprit but like others said it's probably interfering apps or cookies or other data
Which version do you have installed?
Up until 112 or so, I would've agreed that it's much slower but not anymore.
If something loads more than 10 seconds, there's something really wrong with the server or internet speed.
I have a really crappy old phone, and Firefox plus ublock plus privacy badger still works great for me. However, I had to uninstall it and reinstall it when I first set up that phone, for reasons I never could figure out.
Annoyingly, after an OTA, same deal. Had to reinstall Firefox or it was garbage.
Yes, it feels sluggish and sometimes loads pages forever. No idea why, everything else works fine. Oh and the firefox notifications block interaction which is solidly insane
I have been experiencing that with the new Firefox ever since it was released, despite having less tabs open (0-4 instead of a few dozen) and using less addons (this is not a deliberate choice)
But, for me loading of websites never hang indefinitely, it is just extremely slow