Linus Tech Tips pauses production as controversy swirls | What started as criticism over errors in recent YouTube videos has escalated into allegations of sexual harassment, prompting the company t...
Linus Tech Tips pauses production as controversy swirls | What started as criticism over errors in recent YouTube videos has escalated into allegations of sexual harassment, prompting the company t...::The YouTube channel Linus Tech Tips has halted production after controversies over ethics and accuracy in reporting, spurred further this morning by accusations of sexual harassment experienced at the company.
So despite the recent “reactions” from LTT, and just to bring this all back to the beginning… Thank you to Gamers Nexus for doing some damn necessary journalism, which couldn’t have been done without a high level of ethical, and technical competency.
Steve and crew do amazing work. They seem so genuine compared to 99% of the content on YouTube. Its like the Red Letter Media guys compared to all the other movie review channels.
What they did should be the standard. Serious reviewers should check on each others work and point out errors on regular basis. It’s the only way to stop corrupt/incompetent reviewers from misleading people.
They really should, especially since LTT was trying to be GN by adding the Labs. Claiming to be better than GN while making basic mistakes was just super unprofessional, which is why Steve's response was so awesome. Anyone who has watched his channel knows he has a standard, and it's massively important to him. I don't think he would mind more competition in the space necessarily, even coming from LTT Labs, but the bedrock of GN is data, even if it's a little bit dry as content sometimes. If you're going to try to compete with or dunk on Steve, best meet the bar he's set.
Most of those staff are going to have no trouble finding new jobs. It's a highly technical and specialised crew, many would already be in demand elsewhere, and a void left by LTT would be quickly filled by other groups producing similar content, who suddenly find themselves in need of more staff. Hell, a lot of former LTT staff would be gobbled up by LTT's own sponsors.
This is a terrible argument whenever there's any public controversies within the private sector. It's not worth thinking about 'the jobs' because that's not how the economy works. If there's fire behind this smoke, and LTT did fold, those left long-term unemployed are probably fewer in number than those who are currently being exploited and mistreated. It's almost always a zero-sum game.
I get the concern. And I've been part of enough layoffs to know how much it sucks. But a company being held to its responsibility and a standard and held to the light like this to show it's failings, would be an acceptable condition. That said though, I really don't see anyone losing their jobs over this. This is a failing on the higher end of LMG, not the rank and file.
Linus is not the only one to blame. The people who work there could have done something to stop the unethical behavior or quit. But some of them stayed there for years and enabled Linus. I can't look at those people and not think that they aren't incompetent or corrupt.
They're not going anywhere. He'll take a hit from it. Now that the heat is actually on and he can't just say whatever he'll apologize he'll outline what they're going to do to make it better and then it'll all be back to where it was in another couple months, maybe with a little extra effort on the data.
Agreed. The upload schedule has been a holy grail within LTT for a long time, and I truly believe it's the root of all of this, yes, even the sexual harassment. Or at least how that harassment was handled so poorly. When do you have time to make good HR policies? Pull people into HR for reprimanding? Have opportunities for others to second guess decisions? Do training? Or heck, even just have less tired and irritable people making in-the-moment stupid decisions?
This uncompromising maximum velocity hurts everyone, and I hope they keep never bring it back to this pace, even after the process improvements they have planned.
This was my take as well. To add to it, on an individual level, the way to avoid biases is to step back and think critically for a second. In the interest of time, if you just blurt out every thought that comes to your head you'll say insensitive stuff every now and then. Or you'll unconsciously express favoritism out of convenience. The work culture there that tries to pass it off as "just the odd mean joke between friends" needs to change too, but having time to foster a positive environment involves taking away time from cranking out the next video.
Linus has got to look inside a little and find integrity again for his company, because that's what they lost years ago in pursuit of a constant churn of content.
The company has far outgrown Linus's ability to run it. Half the shit he says on the WAN show I cringe at as someone who's done corporate management / systems consulting for the last decade+. I get the feeling he really is unable to separate his ego from his corporate responsibilities and this inability seeps through in all their content. Just take the Billet Labs fiasco as an example, he was so convinced he knew better that he felt insulted on the WAN show that his conclusion was brought into question when it was shown his methodology was abhorrently flawed; or look to his and the entire team's proclivity to misappropriate inventory to their homes or the projects that personally benefit him and his family - I would hate to be his personal attorney as any litigation hitting LMG is sure to hit him personally as there is ample evidence of the corporate veil being pierced, and JFC why is the entire consumer tech market perpetually in the mindset of a horny 14 year old? Talk about a hostile work environment.
I found it hilarious when he was discussing Blizzard and their actions to be egregious when the vibe at LTT honestly doesn't seem all that different - he seems to be barrelling toward following in their footsteps
They've basically been operating in startup mode for years, and haven't bothered to transition their management systems to "decade old company with lots of employees" mode.
You can't burn on startup mode forever without things exploding at some point.
My take as well. I hope after their break, they cut things down to have fewer videos with higher quality. We know from what Linus has said openly that they're set with money, so sacrificing some earnings to establish themselves as a channel that can truly be trusted seems like the obvious move.
You don't see a lot of people come back from turmoil like this and stay as popular as they previously were. Will be interesting to see what changes they make.
They are popular because they really know how to leverage the Youtube algorithm and end up being suggested to a ton of people.
Technically knowledgeable people might reject LTT even more due to this mess but there are still a ton of viewers following what Youtube suggests.
I think this mess is just a sign of a company experiencing growing pains. Seems like they are still figuring out what kind of processes the company needs to have and who is the right person for each task. When a company grows quickly you tend to bump into (or more like crash into) unexpected issues like this. In the case of LMG, it got particularly nasty, but I’m glad they are finally addressing the issues.
Hopefully things will get better, and also let’s hope the “shocked face” thumbnails for the videos go away. I don’t care if the algorithm says they convert better. I skip right over.
Unrelated hot take but the thumbnails don’t seem as egregious as others I’ve seen, but honestly I might’ve just gotten used to them, or I pay more attention to what he’s holding or something.
On another note, I do also hope things get better. Unfortunately, I’m disappointed in Linus’s own response in the video as he still victimized himself, but he said some things that seemed genuine after. Half the stuff about Billet labs I found reasonable but the rest seemed half-baked. Hats off to the rest of his staff and his CEO though—they were very genuine and not shy about taking accountability. I appreciate the CEO taking charge as he’s a much more sane voice than Linus in my opinion, and I appreciate Yvonne standing up.
Yeah, while it is annoying, I know there is a whole art form to those thumbnail images and there are other people I respect that are worse about them. I think they've talked pretty openly about how those are simply the annoying part of being in the YouTube business and if they didn't, they would just be leaving views on the table.
I dont get why everyone is so up in arms about thumbnails. I watch the videos not the thumbnails!
But yeah, I was wondering if the new CEO would say anything about the matter, and I was surprised to see him actually say something. Even more surprised to se Yvonne speaking out too. Both her and the CEO seem to have basically told Linus to fuck off for a bit, cuz hes only making things worse.
Worst thing is you never know the topic of the video, I cant tell if it's about PC building some random gadget review, some nonsense humour piece. The only one I wanted to see was Intel's $5000 build your tech thing. For PC building I go to other channels now
This has been coming for a long time. I have had issues with Linus and his channel for a long time including making a complaint about breach of advertising standards in Canada (which resulted in a change forced by the ASA). They have become the model of how to make money on Youtube but they do so in such an unethical way where they make or invest in competing products that they also review. They have never had any appearance of journalistic standards or integrity, they don't publish errata or corrections and they make a lot of mistakes and the abusive reviews have been going on for a long time.
I am not surprised to find sexual harassment as well as undue pressure being applied in the workplace. It all centres and comes from the Narcissist at the centre of it who has built a media group off the back of civil law breaches repeatedly and continues to push the limits.
Labs was a terrible idea mostly because Linus and his media group will corrupt the results for his personal profit and he and Yvonne are the only ones making big bucks in all this. This has been building for a very long time, the lack of basic morality has been on display since the beginning.
They have been misleading millions of people for years and getting away with it. I hope this company is done. There have to be consequences for this kind of behavior.
What Gamers Nexus did should be the standard. Serious reviewers should check on each others work and point out errors on regular basis. It's the only way to get rid of corrupt channels like Linus Tech Tips and I suspect they were just one of many.
Ah, colour me surprised that the spammiest channel on YouTube, which is practically unwatchable without Sponsorblock and has always been my go-to example use case for the addon (which Linus deems "Piracy"), turns out to have incredibly shady advertising practices. And incredibly shady practices in general.
I believe some of his early videos were basically undisclosed advertisements. They were so over the top positive, it just didn't feel right. I've had his channels blocked on YouTube for a while now. I simply don't trust anything coming from him.
That was their early model. They took money for a product and produced a positive video on it. That was the channel its how it got started and grew. They always used weasel words (still do) like a company "hooked them up" which meant they received a free product and payment to produce this video. They were actually caught properly on this on a series of AMD sponsored videos which were so incredibly positive and glossing over the issues and AMD explained the videos had been paid for. It turned out that was how the channel worked, they got paid for positive reviews.
Nowadays sponsorship is better declared (because the ASA required that of them) but conflicts of interests aren't. There is also the appearance of a lot of fraud too where free products are being placed into their homes. The Intel extreme series is a prime example of something that looks super dodgy and maybe a tax dodge. Right now its hard to prove something criminal is happening, based on their history however its not unreasonable to suspect it is.
Yes. When a review is in fact an advertisement and not a review, it's lie to call it a review without disclosing they are paid to make it, which makes it an advertisement.
They fooled me once about 8-9 years ago. After that it has been pretty obvious to me, that it was not just a 1 off.
The company has currently paused all production to improve its review processes, and CEO Terren Tong tells The Verge an outside investigator will be hired to examine the harassment allegations.
“We’ve been seeing an alarming amount of conflicts from Linus Tech Tips as it relates to their corporate connections, their flow of money, and the potential bias as a result of those things,” said Gamers Nexus host Steve Burke.
According to Gamers Nexus, Linus Tech Tips reviewed a copper cooling block from Billet Labs on the wrong GPU, then auctioned it off at a recent fan event without the company’s permission.
The afternoon after Gamers Nexus posted its video, Sebastian began responding to concerned fans in the Linus Tech Tips forums.
Reeve went on to accuse the company of barring her from videos after she reported being “grabbed multiple times in the office” and being told to “calm my tits” and “stop being such a removed.”
He went on to note that “as part of this process, beyond an internal review we will also be hiring an outside investigator to look into the allegations and will commit to publish the findings and implementing any corrective actions that may arise because of this.”
The grabbing part is clear - but “calm your tits” and “stop being such a removed”? At least where I live both are gender neutral, first one even used most often male to male. Am I missing something? Would it not have been sexual harassment but just toxic culture if it was another cuss? E.g. when you say “motherfucker” you don’t actually mean “somebody having sexual relations with one’s mother”. Can somebody with more knowledge about US legal system explain this to me?
You can make a distinction between gender when it comes to the phrases. To my male friends, yeah. Depending on the situation I can see myself saying both of those phrases. But to my female friends? They don’t mean the same thing.
“Calm your tits” is a maybe depending on the circumstances and how close we are, but never in an aggressive tone.
“Stop being such a removed”, downright out. Never to those friends. So many better ways to phrase it depending on the circumstances.
And finally, all of these were to my friends, NOT A FUCKING COWORKER. You never say these things to coworkers. The whole goal of team management is promoting teamwork, these phrase foster nothing but animosity. I try to say anything even remotely close to those phrases and my ass will be out of a job before lunch (and for good reason).
In terms of legal, IANAL, but as far as I know you would have to present this to a jury or judge, and the bar that they’d have to pass in the US is “more likely than not”. In other words: “is it more likely than not that this comment was made to harass the individual based on their sex?” Pretty low bar to cross.
Also, LTT is a Canadian company, so the above paragraph is kinda moot to the whole situation.
TL;DR: those phrases are rude to women, LTT would likely have a rough time in court (if they were a US company)
If I said either of those things to any of the women I work with I'd likely get fired before the end of the week. And they really do not want to fire me
It has to do with how the parties involved interpret it. Between friends I have said the same things, but not everyone will be comfortable with these things said to them and can even interpret them maliciously. They can be seen as workplace harassment for this reason.
The thing I don't get is all these random LMG apologists saying "actually here is exactly why it happened and is actually completely okay" despite absolutely no one having a true inside view of the company.
Like I saw someone just randomly guessing really stupid reasons why Madison is in the wrong, and acting like they have secret knowledge.
But Steve didn't contact Linus to give him time to prepare an explanation in which he would blame everyone else and say how sad he is! It's just a poor $100M company, they are just humans and they make mistakes. :D
Someone replied to their apology video saying "I'm not entirely convinced that Madison isn't half making this up for attention." Followed by "as someone who works long hours in manual labor" then uses that as a reason the workers shouldn't be complaining about their work schedules.
If it's half as bad as the allegations some heads should be rolling when this is all said and done. Otherwise this is just a PR patch job. But for now, we wait.