A fringe website featured the purported names and addresses of the Fulton County grand jury that indicted Trump and 18 others for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
A fringe website featured the purported names and addresses of the Fulton County grand jury that indicted Trump and 18 others for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
I looked at the indictment last night and noticed it included the names of the grand jurors. I dropped my head into my hands, knowing this was inevitable. I don't understand why the names weren't reacted.
There's all kinds of laws like this that are super old, and really harmful in modern life. Like name changes having to be published in the paper, and home ownership being public information. Sorry trans people, if you want to legally change your name, you have to be out to everyone! And don't even think about buying a house if there's someone you don't want knowing where you live, like an abusive family member or ex!
They're left over from times when information was harder to come by, and they absolutely need to be changed, but our governments are bad at legislating for modern problems
Unfortunately, while you're citing lots of very valid cases of innocent people being victimized, I also think that the trail of information that follows people is very important for systems of justice.
Imagine criminals getting away with white collar crime, having changed their name to make it more difficult for people to publicly scrutinize them.
I can't quite imagine what protections might make sense to keep trans people safe, and it's hard for me to think about which group should be prioritized. Of course, ideally, we'd live in a world where anyone retaliating to someone's gender transition would be headed for a hard time themselves.
As I understand this is the law of the state, it would've been illegal to not make the names public. The reasoning is based on transparency -- secret jurors would make for less trust.
When someone quite obviously rejects both the electoral system and the legal system unless they work to his advantage, one must surely get the impression that this person simply has no interest in democracy at all.
Uh, I feel like you're not considering the fact that he has an (R) next to his name? Source: Red states that are near the bottom in every metric for quality-of-life.
Imagine becoming a fed because you want to uphold the law and chase down bad guys, figuring you're going to be tracking down drug dealers and human traffickers and mafia goons, and instead you get tasked with running down Karen and Cletus who decided to firebomb a house based on something they read on RealTruthPatriotNewsDaily-dot-net.
A guy I work with has a masters in engineering degree, graduated with honors, went to a school that is world known for engineer was telling me how he spent two days sorting out the parts numbering scheme in the database. He has to do it twice because upper management changed their mind after he finished the first time.
Completely normal behavior for peaceful supporters of a law-abiding citizen. Who wouldn’t do some friendly doxxing to support their absolutely innocent leader.
I wonder in what ways this will impact the trial. Everyone on the jury knowing that they are supposed to be annoymous but the jury that was not was targeted.
for a week? Then they are thrown to the wolves. Of course it isn't like the movies where one is some vet special forces guy and he takes out every threat to his home. It is more like some regular person being yelled at by their employer because people are calling and cussing.
Just read up on what happens to regular folks who get doxxed.
Not that I want to see it, but time and time and time and time again these right wing fucks have proven that they can't be reasoned with, they can't be trusted and they have zero morals or plans to follow societal norms.... AND YET WE CONTINUE TO TREAT THEM LIKE INNOCENT PEOPLE.
We have been asking for shit like this to happen every time we give a J6th traitor a light sentence or every time Trump or one of his clown supporters tweets some fairly obvious call for violence and we do nothing.
When the fuck is the Left going to wake up and realize that we are at war?
The Right has seen this as a war for a long, long time now. They have been stockpiling weapons, creating closely tied groups and training militias. They are radicalizing the youth. They see this as a life-and-death situation where there will be victims and bloodshed.
What the fuck has the Left done? Written a few memes? A few snarky comments on Twitter? They have treated this as a joke or just business-as-usual when dealing with politics. We give the other side every chance to bully their way into a position of power by constantly compromising on things. And when it comes to punishments, the usual bleeding-heart stereotype comes into play and we give these traitors the lightest of sentences when instead they should be facing the same kind of corporal punishment that they would face in any other country for treason.
Well for one, treat it with the seriousness that it deserves.
That alone would and should change many people's view on this.
This is not that different than when these Republicans ship illegal immigrants to CA or Washington or Boston. It has happened time and time again, and every time Liberals want to play it down in the hopes that it won't happen again. And then it happens again! And this latest time some little kid died because of it. What is it going to take for the Left to take it serious enough to where human trafficking charges are brought up on the people that planned it? Ruin the lives of some of the people who were involved in treating humans like property by getting them inundated with federal charges and endless legal fees. You better believe that when someone might be held liable for helping DeSatan plan a trick, they might think twice. But Liberals in the US are just a bunch of pussies that would rather becomes targets for some gun crazed redneck than ever go on the offensive.
So who wants to place bets on when people involved in the trial start to get bumped off?
I would comfortably place a $10 bet that either one of these jurors, a prosecutor or a judge will get attacked or killed by a right wing cultist and/or one of Trump's or Bannon's hired goons by the 2024 election.
He's not really wrong. We're too biased, uneducated and ignorant to be able to accurately determine guilt. Until the populace is re-educated, it probably would b better to have panels of experts determine guilt, or only allow jurors that have at least obtained a bachelor's degree in something. I am certain such suggestions are flawed, but not as badly as the system we have now that flagrantly enabled racism and genocide.
This is extra layers of stupid. Grand Jurors aren't made up of random jurors. These people have a job doing this. They are paid to make these decisions.
I mean, I don't expect a MAGA terrorist to know the difference, but if they really don't want a state to have the ability to prosecute crimes, I won't feel bad when they complain about that.