Anyone else crazy enough to build their own retro-gaming machine?
(figured I'd 'do my part' and make my first Lemmy post...!)
I love this thing too much to part with, but I'm gonna have to be honest: I barely use it. More often or not I retro-game on my Steam Deck...slightly more portable!
Has anyone else built their own units for retro-gaming though?
Made this guy back in 2015... Have made a couple changes here & there. I've had the itch to sell it and make a new one from scratch, taking into account things I've learned & wanted to change...
It was a huge amount of fun to build and I was very happy with the result. I hardly play it, but sometimes just put it on and let it cycle through games to fill the house with an arcade-y ambiance.
It started off life with an old PC in it, but currently runs a Raspberry Pi 3.
We've got a full-size arcade cabinet in our kitchen. Was a DIY passion project of my husband's before we met, and it was fun for a while because the various niblings would play with it when they came round for the big family breakfasts we used to do. Sometimes if I was alone in the house I'd leave it on demo mode just to have some comforting background noise.
Niblings grew up, I got used to the quiet of a small town, and I don't think it's even been turned on in about five years because we've also got way more portable options 😅
Have a full size arcade cabinet in my bike shed, use it alot actually, quick boot up play some games with the kids, does double duty as the slicer station for the the 3d printer. treble duty as storage for bike parts technically.
I picked up a little bartop cabinet from a local arcade convention a few years back for a few hundred bucks. Ended up ripping out the Pandora's Box (overseas piracy device with a bunch of dumped ROMs) and threw a Raspberry Pi into it. Got everything wired up with RetroPi.. then realized I needed to add more buttons.
It's on my to-do list, but the arcade hardware itself can get quite pricy. I may end up just using USB controllers instead of the buttons, sticks, and trackballs.
Nothing fancy but I built and painted this one for my son for ~$100. Used one of those Namco arcade controllers, a cheap lcd from Craig's list, some wood and paint.. simple but it turned out pretty awesome 🤘