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  • It depends what you need your configuration file to be:

    Need a well defined easy to understand concrete configuration file?

    • Use .toml. It was made to be both human and computer friendly while taking special attention to avoid the pitfalls commonly found in other configuration files by explicitly stating expected types around commonly confused areas.

    Need a simple to implement configuration file?

    • Use .json. It's famous for being so simple it's creator "discoverer" could define it on a business card.

    Need an abstract configuration file for more complicated setups?

    • Use .ncl. Nickle allows you to define functions so that you can generate/compute the correct configuration by changing a few variables/flags.
  • No reason to go beyond simple key-value format like dotenv or just env variables. If you need more structure then maybe you are confusing configuration with state and this is not really the same thing.

  • I think it's YAML.

    I'm not happy that it's YAML but it's become ubiquitous. Sure, there are lots of other formats that others have mentioned, but I'm sorry most of them are positioned as "it's better than YAML!" and the fact that everyone is mentioning YAML, even if it's about the things it does wrong (and boy does it do things wrong) still means that YAML is on everyone's mind.

  • Whatever. Comments are helpful, which makes pure JSON a poor choice. JSON5 or JSON-C are better, but linting and static analysis are important to every form of code, so make sure that what you use for that will understand your syntax.

    My current preference is generally TOML, but I've started dabbling with custom HCL2 DSLs. (I write a lot of Go and Terraform.)