I am coming to your town for nascar (sorry if you are anti the event) and am wondering if there is anything Chicago specific I should know? Places to avoid or must do things? I definitely want a deep dish pizza and a Chicago dog.
Make sure you're taking the L, it's the safest and least stressful way to get around. Google maps should route you through it pretty intuitively along with the signs. I'd recommend getting out of the loop. Wicker Park and Chinatown are fun places to walk around, eat, drink, etc. Rent a bike or just walk the lake front trail and hang out at the beach for a bit. I personally prefer Lou's for deep dish. Enjoy the event, I'm curious to see how it plays out.
2nd vote for Lou Malnati's deep dish. Get the butter crust. People seem to love Pequod's too but I've never tried it personally. Although that neighborhood is fun.
Firstly, have fun! That's awesome you're gonna see the first race here!
If you're staying inside the city limits, you won't need a car. Take CTA and buy a daily or weekend pass.
Lou's is one of the most popular deep dish pizzas, but it's my least favorite. Pequod's is where my heart is, but you'll need a reservation or face a 2 hour wait. Chicago Pizza Oven Grinder Co is unique, and their Mediterranean bread is amazing, but also a major wait (and cash only!)
Take a walk on the lakefront path. It's open all night for walking/running and biking.
Chicago is a city of neighborhoods, so few actually hang out "downtown" after work. Some people live in the Loop, so they do. Things shut down early there. Many neighborhoods have a "main area" that rivals other cities downtowns.
Nascar is absolutely wrecking any CTA bus route that goes anywhere near the lakefront. The train is currently the only way to even somewhat reliably get around.
Avoid Giordano’s & portillos, they are both terrible. If you’re around the loop for the nascar thing…Luke’s is a good ‘Chicago sandwich shop’ & as much as Lou Malnati’s sold out it is still decent and easily accessible given where you’ll be at. Also another +1 on the architecture tour..and the Art Institute is well worth it if you’re into that.
Not a native, but have done trips for touristy things.
I like Giordano's for deep dish pizza. The museums are all great, so you could pick any of those that have an exhibit you want to see and have a good time in them. (The Art Institute of Chicago, Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, and Museum of Science and Industry are my personal favorites). If you're bringing kids, I'd recommend the Museum of Science and Industry over the others as a place to start.
Navy Pier is kind of meh to me, but we have gone in one of the tall ship tours from there and that was fantastic.
You can also check out the CityPASS as a way to get discounted tickets to multiple attractions.
As a note from CityPASS's site, it looks like Shedd Aquarium is closed on July 1-2 due to the NASCAR event you're likely attending, so depending on how long you're staying, that might be a no go.
If it's nice when you go, I'd also recommend walking around Millennium Park and seeing the Bean if you have the time. (It's kinda fun to crawl under and look at the reflections, but if you miss it, not a big deal).
Bring good walking shoes. There's just a lot of walking.