Overwatch 2 is the worst game on Steam, according to user reviews | "The people who make Overwatch porn work harder than the people who make Overwatch"
Since its arrival on Steam on Thursday at 2.30pm ET, Overwatch 2 has amassed just over 95,000 reviews, 86,000 of which are negative. According to the Steam250.com...
Overwatch 2 is the worst game on Steam, according to user reviews | "The people who make Overwatch porn work harder than the people who make Overwatch"::undefined
Remember when they promised Overwatch players would be fine, and they wouldn't be forced to play OW2? Remember when they touted OW2 as being different for having the basis of PvE missions and more story based content?
I wish I did this... Diablo 4 has been such a disappointment. The story was pretty mid and the gameplay loop post MSQ is just not as fun as D3. Also, I played 5 hours this season and I was still only like level 20 or something, because of all the stuff I had to do again with waypoints, side quests for renown, and season journey in order to progress the seasonal quest. I just stopped. Kinda regretting getting the ultimate edition now
I truly detest the "review bombing" culture, but in the same breath - Blizzard has really screwed up on OW2.
OW was honestly one of my two most played games of all time - and I loved it. The loot boxes were annoying, but hey...if I wanted to, or chose to - I could buy more and got a decent chance of getting what I wanted. The issue was that I had nearly everything by the end, and rarely bought loot boxes. The content wasn't there to keep people buying cosmetics.
The new shop/token/battle pass stuff is really really toxic to gaming. I will admit that I have bought a few battle passes. When the content is there, I will pay. I would totally buy skins if they were in the vein of $5-7usd, and were for a hero I liked... but there is no way in the world that they are getting me to pay 20-25 on a skin. Its honestly so disgusting.
I really was unaffected by the single player stuff, because I only enjoy multiplayer games - but the way it was done showed disregard for the loyal players so it makes me lose trust in the company. I am honestly just sad about what happened to the OW universe. The only way for people to voice that feeling/emotion is to vent and move on. I guess the reviews serve as a good warning to potential new players.
I love review bombing culture. Because companies always (always) push to have more money. Ten years ago we wouldn't think that loot boxes would be so common. Now lootboxes are more common and games more shittier.
And sometimes people snap and just bury the game that crosses some lines. Imo those lines were crossed long ago. Now we notice it when the game is both bad and have loot boxes.
But it's funny to look at overwatch because they also gambled to push as much shit into the game and lost (at least I hope so, the game still have 50000+ players)
I do not agree that the game is bad. The gamplay, mechanics, and feel is near perfect. The design, art, and sound is amazing. I am not happy with the current state from a monetization standpoint, but to say it is a bad game - objectively, that is wrong. The reviews of the original game before the new monitization strategies were all great, and the core gameplay still exists. I still play, and still have a great time when I do. I just protest with my wallet. If it was a bad game, there would not be so many people playing it and shelling over money for skins.
I disagree on review bombing. It's the public's way of ensuring publishers 'find out' when they fuck around.
Payday 2's devs added pay 2 win loot boxes. They got review bombed. They changed their course.
If the bombing isn't valid you can read the reviews. If what they described doesn't concern you as a consumer you can likely assume that it won't color your experience with the game.
Not the best example. Payday 2 happens to be my most played game of all time. They did get review bombed when they added stat improvements on unlockables, and that was reversed, but they also got review bombed when they started microtransactions after very clearly saying they would never do so (drills/safes). That was never reversed, and only got worse with time. The fact that it is PvE co-op only, makes "pay 2 win" way less important, and I could still "win" very easily without any of those minor stat increases. The original vision was that players just pay for new heists, and anyone could play any heist - just not host unless they owned the content.
I pretty sure that at least 50% of the the blizzard staff who was laid off started to make overwatch porn. The single beauty mark on the back of the Pink Mercy skin is all the evidence that I need.
If my claim is correct so yeah, people who make overwatch porn work harder than the current overwatch team.
Warcraft 3 is a good game, I loved Warcraft 3. I am sure warcraft 1 and 2 were probably good for their time as well. Anything else yeah. I got nothing.
And 7 years after the fact, how is your one time $40 purchase still paying to keep the servers running?
I don't like the monetary scheme that Blizzard settled on for OW2, I'm never paying $25 for a skin, but the $10 battle pass every 2 months is reasonable in my opinion.
If that battle pass contained all of that season's cosmetic content and followed a FOMOless scheme more similar to Halo MCC or Deep Rock Galactic, I think most people wouldn't complain but clearly we have whales that are willing to dump stupid amounts of cash on singular skins.
they ruined the game with false promises of PVE for the last 4 years and then released monetization and nothing else. they just released a shitty pve gamemode thats 15 bucks for like 3 missions i think which is a slap in the face
I bought Overwatch on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC. I also bought it for my daughter on PC. We would play online together.
I would then buy myself and my daughter each a big loot box pack when there was a new event (Halloween, Christmas, etc.) so that we could get some fun cosmetics.
I paidA LOT of money for Overwatch.
Blizzard then killed off the game. It's gone. We cannot play it, ever again.
In its place is now Overwatch 2. It looks similar, but it plays differently and has new mechanics and a whole-new monetary system that locks gameplay elements behind a paywall.
The game now being "free" for everyone to download doesn't make anything about it better. And it certainly doesn't make up for the fact that the old game is gone.
plenty of games have made the transition from paid to f2p and lots of those have also been acompanied by large overhauls/patches. none of them i remember have had as large a backlash as overwatch did.
Nothing is truly free, including this game. A fraction of the game is free, while the first one that many of us paid for is completely gone (which to me sounds like the grounds for a class action lawsuit but idk).