There's this Dutch energy company of which 40% of the customers have solar panels installed. They generate enough electricity for the people to give back to the company to store. This costs money, of course. Their solution? Have the customers pay for the electricity THEY PRODUCE. So you have these people, who want to have an eco friendly way of producing energy, and you're going to fuck them over once more. You just can't win in this system 🫠🫠🫠
I've heard this happens over here too, their lazy justification for it in our case is that you're still using their grid to distribute the energy. As opposed to building your own grid, I guess.
if you don't like my electrical grid, just use another one!
I've heard of this being done intentionally in many countries, as (partially) self-sustaining households cut into the profits of electricity companies. Spain is an infamous example, though they seem to have ended the practice in 2019.
Legislation introduced in 2013 by Spain’s then-ruling Popular Party made it compulsory for any individual or company to hook their solar panels up to the national grid to be metered and taxed, or face fines running into millions of euros.
Germany solved this "problem" by tacking 3-6c/kWh onto every person's electric bill to pay for the electricity generated by individuals' solar panels. Industry didn't have to pay the surcharge though, just working people. As of last summer it's been abolished, but do you think our electric price has come down?